
Author Topic: slide show feature on gallery front page?  (Read 3950 times)

March 25, 2015, 04:05:20 AM
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Hi Friends,
I've just been working on updating our Inkscape Tutorials page, mostly animation info, and in parallel, putting together a page on animation for the Inkscape website.  And as if that's not enough, I was just thinking about JessyInk, which I haven't used, but is said to make a slideshow type of animation.  I think I can probably get that working on the front page of the gallery!

Anyone have any comments, or ideas about it?  Not that I need input, but a discussion or brainstorming can't hurt  :D
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March 25, 2015, 04:45:32 AM
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Maybe I could find a way to have thumbnails on the forum index page.  Like that relatively new section where I put logos and links.....  It wouldn't exactly be a slide show....but maybe could show thumbnails scrolling there (and put links/logos somewhere else)?

The biggest question with both these ideas, is how to choose which images.  Should scroll/slideshow all?  Won't work because many images are not finished artwork.  Maybe I just make admin call?  Or could work in with a contest?  Although gallelry contest prize hasn't worked yet (still need more who participate).

Oh well, just thinking  :D
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March 25, 2015, 05:45:29 PM
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The IC tutorials button skips to the subcategory of articles, is that intentional?
I see it a bit inconsistent that/how it does.

That new topblock has alot of possibilities. Contest announcements, other sticky reminders. "Calling for images"; "new tutorial", "new articcle" ads.

March 26, 2015, 05:00:08 AM
Reply #3


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The IC tutorials button skips to the subcategory of articles, is that intentional?
I see it a bit inconsistent that/how it does.

You mean the IC Tutorials tab?  Yes, that's how it's supposed to work.

I installed that Articles mod, so we could have a way for members to write tutorials.  But "Articles" doesn't really indicate to visitors that they can find tutorials there.  So I needed some way to indicate that tutorials are there. I found a mod that allows me to add new tabs, and have them link to whatever I want.  So I made a new tab called IC Tutorials, and it links to only Inkscape tutorials.  So while Articles tab shows all articles, including some about how the forum works, and some about Inkscape; the IC Tutorials tab only goes to Inkscape tutorials.

(I've made several feature requests to improve the Articles mod (including the ability to change the text on the tab), but its author seems uninclined to improve it, despite its popularity.)

I should look through SMF mods again soon.  There used to be yet a different mod that would allow to change the text of the tabs.  But it didn't work with this version.  But maybe someone has made a new one?
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
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"Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity" - Horace Mann