On the architectural scale it didn't got a good mark as it has not much to do with anything but the symbolism.
More like a large statue if you will.
A concept building depicting all the fuss and fustration of the (im)possibility getting from A to B and all the senselessness.
Technically there wasn't much to design either. No need for water insulation and thermal insulation, no complicated details to figure out with the roof and base, no heating, no ventilation. Not any air conditioning systems, no interior, no lighting, not a particular technology to bring in.
Like, the structure could be as good for the lookout tower function built with only 1/3-1/4 of the concrete planned, and the steel structure just stands in the way, blocking the view.
Just producing "eye candy" to fulfill all the requirements of the university.
Earlier they told me not to think much about a reasonable function, thus I completely left out that part.
It's their inconsistency they didn't like the architectural values remaining after.
It was my (mis)interpretation of their words that I took .
After plan B, time to head back to plan A.
The counter is at 4119 views right now at the work in progress topic, and probably 500-1000 of those was me.
I'm not that interested in the traffic about this project though.
It is good to me that anyone can get to it, and that I can drop a link to others without the need to make a webpage.
Will make a similar topic at inkscapeforums and blenderartists as well, because of the previously started topics related to the project there.
In general, as the meaning behind was as negative as possible, I'd rather not want to be associated as "the freak with dark visions", but the complete opposite.