And just in case the main instructions for the SVG got lost in all my other they are without other distractions:
Open the SVG, and pull up your Objects dialog and Filter Editor.
In the Objects dialog, expand the “group_BigDiamond", and shift-select all eight triangles.
Then simply go through the Filter Editor and put a check in any filter to see what it looks like.
To see what the change from baseline was, check the first part of the filter name, it will tell you where to look.
"Comp3" means the third Composite, Disp1 means the first Displacement Map, and so on.
Also, if the filter name starts with “Move”, that indicates the filter was changed by moving one or both of the base gradients. To see where those gradients were moved, check the first Image primitives for that filter variation, they will show the image or SVG element they use (which will be a gradient object, similar to the original, but moved)