Beyond the Basics / Re: Text and path operations
« Last post by brynn on July 31, 2019, 03:08:14 AM »I can't tell for sure from the video. Could you share the SVG file where you've tried this?
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I think at least part of your confusion is that you have the slash in your text. And the slash is extending below the baseline of the text, and that's what's making the bounding box larger than the size you set for the the text.
I'm not exactly clear what you're describing with the yellow box and red box, etc. It sounds like you might be seeing the effects of using the default visual bounding box, which includes the stroke width in giving the size of objects (in W and H fields). So it might benefit your learning to switch to using a geometric bounding box, which ignores the stroke width and gives the true size of any object.
Inkscape Preferences > Tools > Geometric Bounding Box Ok I did that it might help eventually, good thing to know.
I'm also not clear when you say "Inkscape box" if you're talking about the bounding box (the dashed line rectangle around a selected object) Yes this is it or if maybe you're dragging out a text box with the Text tool. You will definitely want to avoid making a text box with the Text tool. Understood That creates a type of text called Flowed Text, which is strictly an Inkscape feature, and such text won't show up outside of Inkscape. To create regular text, just click once on the canvas, and then start typing.
To make your text a particular size, you need to use Text tool control bar, and either select a size from the dropdown menu, or type in a size, if the size you want isn't available. Whatever size you set there, is the size of your text, regardless what the H value is, on Selection tool control bar. If you decide not to use a geometric bounding box, you can still be assured that your text is the right size, by using the Text contol bar, and that dropdown menu.
Also you can change which units your text is using in Inkscape Preferences Double-click on the Text tool, to open Inkscape Preferences directly to the Text tool settings. Since a few verstions ago, Inkscape was made to use mm by default, it's probably already set for mm, but you can double-check. Ok nice it's working, adjusting the text in mm in preferences and I can now match any text height with the height setting in the text control bar (Shift+Ctrl+T), that's great.
You can check the size of text using the status bar (bottom of the window). When text is selected with Selection tool, it tells the size of the selected text.
And finally I'll say that text is definitely not Inkscape's strong suit. (In my opinion, despite all the work that has been done lately, it seems to be getting harder and harder to use. Sadly. Maybe someday it will all come together - I hope it will.) I was able to do my work today.. so I am happy for the moment.
(Oops, I see you posted while I was typing.)