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Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Re: Help with a pattern idea Please
« Last post by bobdraw on August 31, 2019, 08:53:34 AM »
Hello Lazur, Here is an image of what I am trying to achieve, I want to be able to make up a pattern like what Alex Fox makes, Where it's an object or several objects...Let's say shape of a Rabbit or letters, star and a clone and reduce the size precisely smaller and smaller, So you can build up layers, Stick the finished patterns on wood and cut them out! If you see what I mean,
P.S. How do I add a Image??? 
Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Re: Help with a pattern idea Please
« Last post by Lazur on August 30, 2019, 02:16:16 PM »
Hi. Can you show an image of what you want to achieve?
Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Help with a pattern idea Please
« Last post by bobdraw on August 30, 2019, 08:19:28 AM »
Hi everybody, I haven't been on here for quite some time, I have a question answered if you could please,
How do you do a 3D layered pattern like "Alex Fox" does in Inkscape?
I find I can do it with a square, a circle, and a triangle...But I can't do it with let's say a shape of a Rabbit that I have scaned into Inkscape or any other shape, Also can't do it with letters either!
So if one of you great people here could Help Me I would be so greatful  :beg: :wink1:
Thanking you,
Bob  :wink1:   
Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Re: Pulling text from a photo or scan?
« Last post by bbanna on August 20, 2019, 04:57:45 AM »
Thank yo for the reply. I will take a look at the other forum. Appreciate it.

Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Re: Pulling text from a photo or scan?
« Last post by brynn on August 19, 2019, 05:30:10 PM »
Hi Brian,
This forum isn't providing Inkscape support anymore, since the new forum opened on the Inkscape website:  I can answer your question, but I might be the only one here.  You would get a lot more input in the new forum.

It is theoretically possible to do that.  But the quality could end up being so poor, that it would either take a lot of work in Inkscape to improve the quality, or you just wouldn't want to use the result.  I think it would take less time to find a matching font.

The whole effort depends on getting a high quality scan from either a photo or scanning the train itself.

But....  How large would the decal be?  I'm thinking model train, it can't be much more than an inch in size.  But you couldn't really see text anyway, that small.  So it must be larger?

It sounds like you're on the right track (yuk, yuk :-P) using Trace Bitmap.  That's what I would do, if I wanted to try it.  But what do you mean exactly by "did not work".  I would need more info to be able to help with that.
Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Pulling text from a photo or scan?
« Last post by bbanna on August 19, 2019, 08:53:12 AM »
Is it possible to pull just the text off a photo or a scan of an object?

I tried scanning and then trace bitmap, but that did not work.

I am working on a decal project. An old railroad model that I have, I want to recreate it again. Searching through text fonts would take forever. I was hoping I could maybe take a dead on side shot photo or simply lay the model on a scanner and scan it. Then just pull the text off it into inkscape.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Completed Work / Re: Dillerkind's Image Pool - Next Chapter
« Last post by Dillerkind on August 15, 2019, 02:53:13 PM »
Just finished... Gonna keep updating this thread until the forum goes offline :D

Website / Forum Issues and Announcements / Re: new forum Q and A
« Last post by Moini on August 09, 2019, 06:34:37 AM »
If you host it yourself (on gitlab), you can do the updating yourself. Just using a free hoster. That would keep you in control, and also have the benefit of allowing others to suggest updates, directly to the html file.
Beyond the Basics / Re: A vector for fussili - help on how to approach
« Last post by brynn on August 09, 2019, 04:41:10 AM »
I did set up a drawing challenge for that, in the new forum:

Because it would take at least intermediate skills, and not be very easy, no one has posted any results yet.  But eventually, hopefully some people will try.  And you could get some ideas from there.

Website / Forum Issues and Announcements / Re: new forum Q and A
« Last post by brynn on August 09, 2019, 04:05:41 AM »
Oh, thanks Moini!  Another good idea, which I'll take into consideration, with other ideas that have been proposed.

Ideally, whoever takes it would be motivated enough to keep it updated (remove dead links, edit changed links, and most importantly, add new tutorials when they appear).

I hope to be able to add other resources to the list, before I have to close the site - filters, for sure.  But the only problem is that all of Lazur's filters, and Tav's too, which were hosted at Open Clipart, are unavailable....I'm starting to wonder if that site will ever be back.  I don't know if maybe he would upload them to his own website or blog, or whatever it is (I forget exactly)?  But anyway, we'll see what happens.

Thanks for the ideas, and thanks for offering to take the contents.  I'll let you know  :)
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