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Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Re: Import logo into Inkscape
« Last post by Moini on August 01, 2019, 02:29:37 PM »
I don't know of any file format where that format's layers would be preserved on import.

It also doesn't work for SVGs created in Inkscape - you would need to 'open' them, not import.

Import always puts the objects into the current layer.

Opening a document with layers only works for Inkscape SVGs.

I think there is a feature request for something similar somewhere - if you cannot find it, feel free to create a new one at .
Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Re: Guidelines Not Turning Red
« Last post by brynn on August 01, 2019, 11:33:52 AM »
Yes, the first 2 messages of new members go through moderation.  I've approved your message over there, but I didn't have any better answers.

Oh wait!  Just downloaded your file, and it's 24 mb!

So I'm pretty sure you're seeing a performance issue.  I'm also pretty sure I've showed you the tutorial about performance issues and how to avoid.  But just in case:;sa=view;article=35
Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Re: Guidelines Not Turning Red
« Last post by Agrajag on August 01, 2019, 09:50:46 AM »
Thanks for the note. I tried to duplicate this post there, but didn't get very far. I create the post and was immediately hit with a note that the Topic is locked, that the post is not public and held for moderator approval.

Here's one of the files. It has just two guides and I can't get either to turn red or animate.
Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Re: Guidelines Not Turning Red
« Last post by brynn on August 01, 2019, 09:07:06 AM »
Hi Agrajag,
The Inkscape project has a brand new forum that just has opened on the Inkscape website:  For any future problems, would you please post your message over there?  This forum will eventually be closed.  (The new one just opened last night.)  It will be all the same people, just in a different forum.

Well, if you didn't say these were new documents, I would be tempted to think you're seeing a performance issue.  But if they're blank, or nearly so, performance would not explain it.  Well, unless you have something like 10 documents open at the same time....which seems unlikely.

It sounds like the kind of problem that if I looked at one of your files which is having this problem, I would not see it.  It sounds like it would be local to you.  But I can't think of anything else to try, except to look at the file.

Of course you're certainly welcome to share the file.  But maybe someone else has an idea?
Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Guidelines Not Turning Red
« Last post by Agrajag on August 01, 2019, 08:49:41 AM »
I've created a few new documents in the most recent build of Inkscape (092.4) and I'm finding something different that I didn't anticipate. I'm assuming it's something I've done or clicked without knowing it.

When I create guidelines now they appear as expected, but no longer behave as expected once placed. When I hover over them they no longer turn red and no longer animate when moved. To remove them I have to ASSUME I've clicked on one and slide off the screen while assuming it's moving as you don't see anything happen.

Is this a bug or something I did?
Beyond the Basics / Re: Text and path operations
« Last post by brynn on July 31, 2019, 05:54:41 PM »
Whenever something is selected with the Selection tool, the status bar tells you what kind of object it is.  The size of the object is shown in the control bar, in W and H fields.

The status bar gives all kinds of useful info.  It shows different info for whichever tool is enabled.  And not just the middle part of it, where the text is, is helpful.  The left side of the status bar shows you the fill and stroke and opacity info, for the selected object (although Opacity has been broken for the last few versions of Inkscape - hope they will fix it soon).  Also layer info is on the left side.  On the right side is the zoom info.
Beyond the Basics / Re: Text and path operations
« Last post by gks on July 31, 2019, 05:26:23 PM »
Thanks for the help. Yes it works ...
BTW - how do we find out the object properties of any object we create ? ( whether it is a path or a curve or a text etc ). There is an object property dialog but that doesn't give much useful information.
Beyond the Basics / Re: Text and path operations
« Last post by brynn on July 31, 2019, 06:40:23 AM »
Oh, I should have been able to figure this out with the video only.  I just missed it.  I haven't been using Inkscape as much for my personal use, as I usually do, or I would have caught the problem right away.

The problem is the that when you use Object to path, to convert text to path, it puts the text in a group.  So you either need to ungroup the text before you start the path operation.  Or instead of using Path menu > Object to path, you can use Path menu > Union, on the text alone, and that converts it to path without putting it in a group.  I know it's not a logical thought that that's what would happen.  It's just one of those Inkscape secrets.

There are several things I look at when I examine an SVG file for someone.  In this case, the video was obscuring the status bar, and I couldn't read it during the video.  I needed to see the actual SVG file, so I could see the status bar clearly.

Somtimes I use the XML Editor, to look at the code which is created by Inkscape automatically.  And sometimes I need the SVG file to be able to see the Fill and Stroke dialog.  Sometimes I need to see the Layers dialog.

yemanjalisa posted while I was typing

Welcome to the forum, yemanjalisa.  Unfortunately, you've joined this forum on its very last day.  Later today, we will begin the transition to using the new forum, on the Inkscape website.  I'll edit the red text on the forum index page, with a link to the new forum (although you might already know where it is) as soon as I block new messages here.
Beyond the Basics / Re: Text and path operations
« Last post by yemanjalisa on July 31, 2019, 06:02:35 AM »

I think, the problem is because the N is a group.
And union, difference etc, doesn't work with group.

Solution : ungroup your N and retry, all will be ok.
Beyond the Basics / Re: Text and path operations
« Last post by gks on July 31, 2019, 03:35:32 AM »
Please find attached svg file

Could you please describe how do you verify/analyse the issue that you found in this. I mean how to analyse the svg file.

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