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Website / Forum Issues and Announcements / Re: new forum Q and A
« Last post by Moini on August 08, 2019, 11:45:15 AM »
Hi brynn, if you haven't found a new home for the Resources page (or another solution - there are free websites available on gitlab, for example - I think I could set that up for you, if you want), I'd be happy to salvage the content by putting it up on my website.
Beyond the Basics / Re: A vector for fussili - help on how to approach
« Last post by Moini on August 07, 2019, 07:56:52 AM »
What do you find horrible about it?...
Beyond the Basics / Re: A vector for fussili - help on how to approach
« Last post by brynn on August 07, 2019, 03:59:34 AM »
Hi gks,
I have put a message on the index page of the forum regarding the new forum, for the past couple of months.  But I recently learned that not everyone could see it.  But in any case, this forum is closing, and we are now using the new forum to provide support for Inkscape.

It's on the Inkscape website:  (You'll need to register on the Inkscape website, if you're not already.)

I can give you a quick answer, but more people will see the message on the new forum, if you would like to post it there.

To answer your question, that would be an incredibly complex image, to try to make it realistic (in my opinion).  Personally, I would probably take a raster image, like you've shown, and manually trace it.  Or you could use Trace Bitmap, and probably get an ok result.

One way to approach it might be pattern along path, for simplistic representation.  But for realistic look, a lot of work, with highlights and shading to create the depth or simulated 3d.

However, I'm somewhat getting inspired to try it.....  We could actually make that a drawing challenge in the new forum!  I've been planning to set up some drawing challenges there, pretty soon.  You know, I think I'll do that right now!
Beyond the Basics / A vector for fussili - help on how to approach
« Last post by gks on August 06, 2019, 11:50:28 PM »

    I have attempted to make a vector graphic of fussili ( image attached. ) But it came out really horrible  :( .. So could some one please make a video on how to do such kind of project ?

Not much useful, and it is annoying to choose "save as optimized svg" with each save - it should remember my save settings in current session.
This option creates similar syntax like Illustrator exporter do as usual when saving. It still leaves all transforms intact.
I would write deep regroup myself but it will take too much time to learn the basics about extensions.
Apply transforms is a feature requested already since 8 years and only Klowner made his approach (not 100% successful unfortunately) as third party addon.
It seems too less people needs sth like this - i draw in inkscape from time to time since 2011 and this is first time i need to examine how it save SVG and why graphics looks differently in other software.
Testing / attachment
« Last post by brynn on August 02, 2019, 10:09:22 AM »
But call it 'Add options to apply transformations' or similar.

Thinking about it... Have you tried what happens when you save as optimized SVG? Does that do anything useful for you?
MMmh. I think that hasn't been invented yet... :-/ Maybe make a feature request at ?
No, i need groups, TGML is using them as well to organize object into subparts. What i would need is "Deep Regroup".
Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Re: rubber stamp making
« Last post by johnnicholson on August 01, 2019, 03:04:33 PM »
thanks I'll look it over.
I know inkscape isn't a 3-d program.
but when I cut out on the laser cutter, the stamp (rubber) has to have high and lower areas.
getting closer, I see where I might have to invert and add a while background.  will report back
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