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Beyond the Basics / Unwanted thin lines appearing between shapes
« Last post by Maesh on September 05, 2019, 02:24:13 AM »
I've had this problem for a while, but now it really gets annoying...

When I create geometric shapes and snap  :snap: them together, to make sure they really are stuck together, a line appears between every different object, making it very annoying when adding a background (because the color shows through between objects...). It appears juste at different distances, and when I am very close up it doesn't appear.

I would like to know if there is a solution for that?
I joined a export of what it looks like, with the background showing through. Every objects are snapped together

Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Re: Help with pattern making in Inkscape
« Last post by brynn on September 02, 2019, 05:19:00 AM »
It sounds like you could do a lot of this with Inkscape.  Maybe not everything, or maybe not easily.  But some projects could be done with Inkscape.  Right?

There's someone in the new forum who is doing something similar to this, but not necessarily with the same shape.  Let's see if I can find that link....

Oh yeah, this one.  She calls it  multi-layered wood cutting  Look up the examples.

Before I saw Bob's examples, I thought he might be doing this.
Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Re: Help with pattern making in Inkscape
« Last post by Lazur on September 01, 2019, 11:09:52 PM »

This guy seems to work alot with a scroll saw.

Quite similar to this oldie.

In the video the example uses straight line segments which inkscape can handly pretty well -dynamic offsetting those.

But creating parallel shapes to a heart is a mess. Needs to split up the path at every concave nodes, extrapolate it manually, offsetting each of these paths by the same amount,
unconnecting the nodes that got connected automatically in the process,
and editing the rest together.
Or relying entirely on the offsets of the original posts and correcting every spot manually.
Either way, not so effective.

On a side note, that bunny may look a bit of an overkill even if done right with parallel lines -it won't resemble a 3D shape of the animal.
Rather it'd take to slice up a 3D model and generating cut lines. That, again is best suited by cad softwares and nurbs editing.
-Which itself is harder to be achieved since regular 3D polygon modelling won't do
nor the output is Bézier paths but B-splines.
Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Re: Help with pattern making in Inkscape
« Last post by brynn on September 01, 2019, 04:48:46 PM »
Hhmm, now that I see your images, I'm not sure exactly what it is you want to do with Inkscape.  You should be able to send those paths to the cutter, assuming they are actual paths.  (We can't tell from the PNG images.)

There are other ways you might draw some of the images.  Not necessarily faster though, if that's what you want.

Can you explain exactly what you're after?
Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Re: Help with a pattern idea Please
« Last post by brynn on September 01, 2019, 04:42:52 PM »
Yes, I think so too.  Probably not using what Inkscape calls "patterns", but still could be done.
Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Re: Help with pattern making in Inkscape
« Last post by bobdraw on September 01, 2019, 10:53:48 AM »
Hello Lazur, Thank you for your reply it was interesting to read, I think this Alex Fox Might be using a different program to do his patterns, I just thought I could do it in Inkscape, I will have think on what to do next, Thanking you,
Bob  :wink1:
Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Re: Help with a pattern idea Please
« Last post by bobdraw on September 01, 2019, 10:46:55 AM »
Hello Brynn, Thank you for the heads up about the new forum, I haven't been on here for some time!
I think this Alex Fox might have been using another program to do his patterns but I thought I
should be able to do them in Inkscape,
Bob  :wink1:
Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Re: Help with a pattern idea Please
« Last post by brynn on September 01, 2019, 03:25:06 AM »
Hi Bob,
I have a message on the main forum page, that this forum is closed for new support questions, since the new forum opened on the Inkscape website (a month ago).  But I only recently learned that everyone can't see it, which is probably what happened for you.  Me and maybe Lazur can help you here, but there are a lot more people in the new forum.

You can attach an image here by using the Reply button (not Quick Reply).  Under the message box, click on Attachments.  Or you could upload it anywhere you like, and just give us the link. Or if the image you want to show is on the internet somewhere, you could just give us a link to it.  I'm not familiar with Alex Fox....I don't think.

But I think I understand what you're talking about.   There is someone on the new forum, who is doing this same type of project.  I can't think of their name....or what they call that type of woodworking, but it has a name.  I'll try to find it later

If you are building up the same object, with smaller and smaller pieces, probably path offsets would work.  Path menu > Inset or Outset, etc.

Nevermind.  I found your other message with the images.
Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Re: Help with pattern making in Inkscape
« Last post by Lazur on August 31, 2019, 10:50:47 AM »

There is no way to make these automated by a few clicks in inkscape. There are g-code extensions that supposed to draw parallel lines.
Still, probably there is a conceptual roadblock on that.

You see in your examples the sharp concave corners are getting rounded at one point or another.
Also there are precision issues too.
The latter can be cured by adding a stroke attribute and converting the stroke to a path. It seems to be more precise and you can also set the corner types to be "spiky".

Still, that won't produce extrapolated paths, the corners will look somewhat off and can easily end up with odd node placement, double nodes etc.

My guess is the base of the issue is in using Bézier paths which compromise fast editing of random geometry to precise curves.
In a cad program, you can draw straight with polylines only built up by circular arcs and straight line segments, all of which can be extrapolated easily and draw parallel lines of any given shapes.

So although it is possible to achieve some results in inkscape and also with manual editing you can draw things look fine, but if your main focus is productivity and woodcutting of such objects as a regular activity, I suggest better look around at cad programs.
Inkscape Beginners' Questions / Help with pattern making in Inkscape
« Last post by bobdraw on August 31, 2019, 09:14:06 AM »
Hello again Lazur, Here is the image you need to see...Hope it's added to this post alright,
Bob  :-| Help with patterns in Inkscape.png
*Help with patterns in Inkscape.png
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Help with patterns in Inkscape.png
*Help with patterns in Inkscape.png
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