Author Topic: Let me introduce myself...  (Read 1466 times)

May 08, 2018, 01:27:19 AM
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...I came here primarily looking for bug solutions and tips, but see that is not one of the basic thrusts for this forum. 

Still it's nice to say hello and give a little of my background if people get curious.  Please be gentle with an ancient like myself.  :)  I'm 71 and no longer work professionally as a computer artist... actually started as a graphic illustrator back in the late 1960's on the drawing board.  When the trade began to seriously computerize our craft I was at the Stanford User's Group when John Warnock and friends first introduced Adobe Illustrator there before it's initial release and my company was one of the early adopters on the first Mac's.  Later, having moved to Unisys Corp, I was one of the beta testers of the first edition of Illustrator for Windows.  At one time or another I have driven most of the common vector graphics editors in use before 2000. 

Having hired into the UNIX Systems Division of Unisys (before it got out of the Mainframe and other hardware business) in their R&D side, I became first a tech illustrator, writer and editor and later a system and network admin for our tech pubs group in San Jose, CA.  I finished out my career running a Tech Support Dept. for a small manufacturer, Montage Graphics, during the dot com boom, but also wore several other hats there, including an off and on tour as our tech rep in China for about five months.

I still do an occasional odd job for friends and family in the graphic arts, which is why I stopped by this forum initially, looking for help on some bugs in Inkscape that I encountered.


--Gary, otherwise known as angeleum elsewhere.   
  • Inkscape 0.92.2 2405546, 2018-03-11
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May 08, 2018, 07:56:54 PM
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Welcome to the forum, and to the Inkscape community as a whole!

Wow, that sounds like quite a career!  It sounds like you'll fit right in!

In some ways we can handle complaints about bugs.  Often newbies think they have found a bug, and they post about it here.  Then we are able to help with testing, and confirming whether it might actually be a bug, as opposed the fact they just haven't found the right tools or features.  And if it sounds like it might be a bug, we send them on to the bug tracker, which is currently here:  (It may be moved in the relatively near future, to the gitlab repo account, where bugs will be posted as Issues.)  (Or we might post the bug for them, if they don't want to get involved on that level.)

Just to help orient  you, you'll probably find this message helpful (if you didn't find it already)  And of course you'll want to check out the main Inkscape website (, if you didn't find it already.

Please feel free to share some of your graphics work, if you like.  There are several ways to do that.  We have a gallery associated with the forum, or there's the Completed Work board as well.  The gallery on the Inkscape website would probably give the widest exposure of your work.

With each new major version release of Inkscape, the community holds a contest to choose the image for the Help menu > About screen.  I don't think a new version is expected any time soon....probably at least a few or maybe several months away.  But I hope we can organize more community wide contests in the future.  We've tried to have very informal drawing challenges in this forum, but at least so far, we haven't found enough members to make it enjoyable.  But I haven't completely given up!

Anyway, please feel free to jump right in, anywhere you like!
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"Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity" - Horace Mann                       

June 21, 2019, 09:06:03 PM
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Hello Sir, I am truly amazed by your career on graphic designing, You sir a a legend,, hoping you could share more of your artwork here
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