Hi Friends,
A couple of weeks ago, I noticed that activity in both forums had dropped off significantly. Of course we don't have any metrics for InkscapeForum. But just on observation, it looks to me like posting has been noticably reduced there.
Here, the first week of what I hope will just be a temporary slump, activity was approx 84% of the previous week. The next week was 77%, and last week was approx 74%.
From Nov 2016 to now, visits have increased by a factor of approx 5.5. And while we've had a couple of weeks here and there, when there was a decrease, generally growth has been steady. So this 3 week backslide is unusual.
Has anyone noticed a similar reduction in activity in the Inkscape IRCs?
My recollection of past years is that activity (in forums) is usually up noticably in the early autumn season, and I always have attributed that to the start of schools and universities, with users needing help for their graphics classes. So that makes it all the more odd to me that we're seeing a slump at this time of year.
Could there be some reason for Inkscape's popularity to be declining? Have we reached a sort of saturation level or plateau for Inkscape use? Or is there maybe some internet phenomenon happening which might account for this?
Maybe I'll ask doctormo about website and download metrics?
Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas about this reduced activity?