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Beyond the Basics / Alignment tool not working
« Last post by Col on November 27, 2019, 04:11:00 AM »
I have been using Inkscape for several years now, and in the last few days I have not been able to use the Alignment tool. I click on the button on the tool bar and normally the alignment toolbox comes up on the LHS of my screen. Now I click on it and nothing happens. If I have done something wrong I don't know what it is. :ty1:

Update: I have to admit to being a bit stupid today. I have just found out the solution. The Alignment tool was actually there but I just couldn't see it. Sorry!!!!!aligned to the RHS of my screen
Beyond the Basics / Re: Japanese wave pattern surface paths
« Last post by brynn on October 03, 2019, 08:13:23 AM »
A boolean path operation, such as Path menu > Difference could accomplish that.  Although note that most of those circle objects are clones, and you'll need to break their links to their parent, so that they are paths, before the operation will work.  Oh, and also, you'll need to use Path menu > Combine, to combine the 7 circles which make up a single unit.  Do that for all the clones, and then you'll be ready to perform the Difference on them.

Generally, the path operations work on only 2 objects at a time.  So you would duplicate one (after uncloning and combining), and select another one that overlaps, and perform the operation.  Then repeat that until all are done.

If you had a file with many, many more objects, there are extenstions that will perform multiple operations at once, rather than one at a time.  But for this file, I don't think it would save very much time.

By the way, this forum is no longer taking support questions - not since the new forum opened on the Inkscape website, last August:  So for your future questions, please post them there.

Work In Progress / Re: Auto scrolls
« Last post by willeyaz on October 03, 2019, 06:31:10 AM »
Thanks. I will go to the new form. I have removed and reinstalled Inkscape but still have the same issue.
Beyond the Basics / Japanese wave pattern surface paths
« Last post by Camcan on October 03, 2019, 02:38:05 AM »

I'm looking for a simple way to take a SVG of a pattern like the one attached, and edit it somehow to create the paths only on what you see, so when exported to DXF it doesn't show all the overlapping circles that creates the surface pattern.

Any ideas?
Thank you in advance :)
Work In Progress / Re: Auto scrolls
« Last post by Lazur on October 03, 2019, 12:46:35 AM »

I'm guessing you hit some unknown bug.
Can trigger a similar issue inside the filter editor. Closing and reopening that panel works so the case might be similar.

You can save by the shortcut Ctrl+S and then close&reopen the file to see if it's back to normal.
Work In Progress / Re: Auto scrolls
« Last post by brynn on October 02, 2019, 07:15:50 PM »
I'm not sure what you're talking about.  Do you mean the Inkscape window is scrolling without you touching it?

Inkscape automatically scrolls to whatever is selected.  But something would have to be selected for that to happen.  Like if you had some rogue object offscreen far to the right, and you used the Tab key to select it, once it's selected, inkscape would scroll to it.  (more like jump over to it, than scroll)  But it should not be scrolling for no reason.  If you can't share the file with us, could you make a video of the problem?

Is your mouse capable of scrolling?  Could it be a mouse malfunction?

While waiting for more details, I need to tell you about the new Inkscape forum.  I have a message on the index page of this forum, but apparently not everyone can see it (although I tried to make it global).  This forum is not taking any new support questions.

I can try to help you here, but there are a lot more people in the new forum who might be able to help. 

I'll probably be closing this forum...well, not just closed, but it will go completely offline, at the end of January 2020.

Work In Progress / Auto scrolls
« Last post by willeyaz on October 02, 2019, 11:17:32 AM »
I'm working on a image and am about done. know the Project auto scrolls to the right and does not stop. What did I do wrong? How do I stop it?
Website / Forum Issues and Announcements / Re: closing this forum
« Last post by Moini on October 01, 2019, 03:42:04 PM »
Would you like to contact Jabier to ask if it's possible that he makes a one-off copy of your site, just like he did for the other forum? That would keep the collected wisdom around.
I'm sorry about hearing that you're not doing well, and I hope that the steps you plan to take will help improve your situation.
Website / Forum Issues and Announcements / closing this forum
« Last post by brynn on October 01, 2019, 01:59:51 AM »
Hi Friends,
I have a little bit more info now, about closing this forum.  The financial situation is going to be worse than I thought.  And that means, I can't wait for it to happen before I close the forum.  I need to close it as soon as possible, and try to save a little before the change happens.

So I'm going to plan to shut it down the end of January, 2020.

I'm also going to be taking a break from participating in the Inkscape community.  I'll still be around, but just not nearly as much.  I just need a break.  The way a lot of issues have transpired have left me feeling like "no good deed goes unpunished".  So it's just time to take a break.

Regarding the Resoures page (tutorials and extensions), I still haven't decided whether to try and maintain it (perhaps my ISP gives me enough webspace) or just hand it off to the community.  I will try and make a final update to it, before whatever happens happens.   

If I decide to hand it off to the community, and if no one wants to adopt it, I think I'll just zip it, and upload it to Inkscape website gallery account.  Then anyone who wants it can just grab it.  It will be a very simple html file.

Beyond the Basics / Re: Unwanted thin lines appearing between shapes
« Last post by brynn on September 30, 2019, 12:46:18 AM »
As far as I understand, all graphics software has this problem.

However, I think Lazur's right about using the pattern fill.  Here's an SVG file with a pattern fill, where I can't find any lines between the pattern.  Maybe they are there but I can't see them.  But I've tried zooming, and can't produce the gap.  If you'd like us to look at your SVG file, we might be able to find what's going wrong.
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