Author Topic: Would you dare to go to work with a "custom version" of your company logo  (Read 2288 times)

October 11, 2016, 05:25:27 PM
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Hi all.

I work at a company that spended a whole lot of money (rumours said) for a new logo, and ended up with a too simple (pretty lame in my oppinion) logo compared to the money and resources spent on this purpose.

One evening I had some spare time, I recreated the base lines of the logo, and did some changes at it - so it looks more "cool" so to speak.
Now, after discussing this with a couple of my closest colleagues, I come to the conclusion that I would not take the risk of actually show it off (on t-shirt or other printed media) - because some of them claimed there may become complications regarding copyright or other legal stuff.

So just to get the discussion started - If your company have a lame logo, would you dare shown up to work using a "overhauled" version of the company logo on your t-shirt  :?:
At some time I might find time to write something funny at the signature line - for now I just gave the finger som resistance.

October 11, 2016, 05:53:47 PM
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Depends on context, company, boss, etc.
Personally I rather not wear any brand's logo if possible.
Did they pay for carrying their advertisement, or is it in ?

October 11, 2016, 05:59:59 PM
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Hi Grobe,
I guess it would depend on the business or company.  Some places are very formal and strict, even about dress codes.  Some places might not even allow t-shirts.  But if it was an informal atmosphere, and the company culture promotes creativity, I might try it.  But if the logo is copyrighted, and it's a for-profit business, I would be more careful.
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October 12, 2016, 08:30:21 AM
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Thank you for your opinions.

In this particular case, the contract doesn't mention the company logo (i'm normaly not out in the field and meet customers), neither can I remember anyone have stated anything about copyright stuff.

Some years ago (still after I've learned using inkscape) I was (and still is) member of a forum that used a colred bar made up of rectangles in a row, to visualize the reputation of members. So I figured I wanted to make a joke-version of that colored bar and make it my avatar for that forum. It went 2 weeks before the avatar suddenly was blank/default again. I was never given a message from those moderators  :-S
At some time I might find time to write something funny at the signature line - for now I just gave the finger som resistance.