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- Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:46 am
- Forum: Feedback & Suggestions
- Topic: Solving website and .47 confusion
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3977
Re: Solving website and .47 confusion
It doesnt clearly state 0.47 because its not 0.47, and wont be until we release, its sometimes called 0.47dev but that has potential to be equally confusing... what it is is the development build, SVN rev 201268, built 11/10/08 with full debug symbols, which is what all that in the name tells you. ...
- Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:19 pm
- Forum: Feedback & Suggestions
- Topic: Solving website and .47 confusion
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3977
Re: Solving website and .47 confusion
There are 0.47 development builds available for windows, the link is on the download page of the main inkscape site. Thank you, but still unless one is a Developer, that page and where it leads to is still needlessly confusing. leads to: Inkscape Win32 Snapsho...
- Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:17 am
- Forum: Feedback & Suggestions
- Topic: Solving website and .47 confusion
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3977
Re: Solving website and .47 confusion
Go to Download page, there you see the official release and unofficial releases, also you can download them by platform so this solves another of your questions. Release dates are very uncertain, they are often changed (prolonged), 0.47 probably won't be officially released this year, but you can s...
- Tue Nov 04, 2008 9:35 pm
- Forum: Feedback & Suggestions
- Topic: Solving website and .47 confusion
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3977
Solving website and .47 confusion
Topic: Solving website and .47 confusion There should and could be better, short, easy to provide information on the initial website pages for Inkscape and .47 information. The Screenshots page mentions a .47, but nowhere easy and intuitive to locate is there anything to look at as far as: 1. Stabl...