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by the_gerbil
Mon May 03, 2010 7:12 pm
Forum: Discuss Software Issues
Topic: No backup file in my home folder when Inkscape crashes
Replies: 2
Views: 2622

Re: No backup file in my home folder when Inkscape crashes

Thanks for the suggestion microUgly.

I've set up autosave a couple days ago and it is doing its job nicely.
But you know what? Since I installed The gimp (also a couple of days ago), inkscape hasn't freeze yet :-D
by the_gerbil
Mon May 03, 2010 1:28 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Swatches Dialog - Recently Used Colors
Replies: 6
Views: 3030

Re: Swatches Dialog - Recently Used Colors

Ok. Let's see if the following solution suits you. 1- Create several objects 2- Select all 3- Ctrl + G to group them Now every time you want to change the color of all at the same time, just click on one of the object and pick a color. I know what are you thinking. Using this method you cannot edit ...
by the_gerbil
Sat May 01, 2010 8:30 pm
Forum: Discuss Software Issues
Topic: No backup file in my home folder when Inkscape crashes
Replies: 2
Views: 2622

No backup file in my home folder when Inkscape crashes

Hi all! Thank you very much in advance for the help. Inkscape crashes quite frequently in my computer, issues with libcairo-2.dll, apparently. But I have learn to live with that because I know that every time it crashes, there is a backup copy of the current job in C:/Users/Myuser/ (Windows 7) But a...
by the_gerbil
Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:07 pm
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Swatches Dialog - Recently Used Colors
Replies: 6
Views: 3030

Re: Swatches Dialog - Recently Used Colors

I want to be able to use that on other objects in my drawing quickly. More quickly than with the dropper It is possible to copy and paste styles (color, gradient, stroke, etc..): 1- Select a object 2- Ctrl + C 3- Select the object (or objects) which you want to have the same style as the previous o...
by the_gerbil
Thu Apr 29, 2010 5:04 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: What is your startup time for Inkscape?
Replies: 5
Views: 1368

Re: What is your startup time for Inkscape?

It takes about 10 seconds in my computer.
Windows 7 (32bits) - ADM64 - 2BG memory

It crashes quite frequently because some issue with cairo libraries, but that's another story.
by the_gerbil
Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:23 pm
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Swatches Dialog - Recently Used Colors
Replies: 6
Views: 3030

Re: Swatches Dialog - Recently Used Colors

Hi! I had the same question a week ago. Is it possible to modify swatches in order to add or remove colors? The answer is yes, it is possible, but not as straight forward as you may think. If you want to create your own palette you need to create or edit a .gpl file, which is a GIMP format to save p...
by the_gerbil
Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:42 pm
Forum: Finished Inkscape Work
Topic: Cartoons for a website
Replies: 1
Views: 1195

Cartoons for a website

Hello all! I've been using Inkscape for a year now, but just for quite basic things like floor plans, buttons or logos. But one week ago, I was asked if I could draw some cartoons characters to explain how a web page works. Although I am not very skillful drawing living things, I tried my best. You ...

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