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Mon Apr 09, 2018 10:11 pm
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Join connected line segments that form open structure
Replies: 9
Views: 2613

Re: Join connected line segments that form open structure

@SUMATORIO I'm afraid you have not. And before typing such a long winded post please read my question carefully. That saves us both a lot of time. 1. I know how to join lines. I asked how to do it bulk because I have thousands of line segments. 2. I know how to draw connected paths. I said that I [...
Thu Mar 15, 2018 7:05 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: How can i draw an envelope path with perfectly symmetric handles ?
Replies: 32
Views: 6390

Re: How can i draw an envelope path with perfectly symmetric handles ?

Hi Raspi: The easier way for me, to do it: Make a horizontal line. Duplicate with clon (Alt +D) Shift downwards with Ctrl key. Flip vertically the clon . Make a line to joint the left nodes of the horizontal lines with Beziers pen. Use the snapping bar to be accurate. Duplicate this line and shift ...
Thu Mar 15, 2018 5:07 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: How can i draw an envelope path with perfectly symmetric handles ?
Replies: 32
Views: 6390

Re: How can i draw an envelope path with perfectly symmetric handles ?

Hi Raspi: The easier way for me, to do it: Make a horizontal line. Duplicate with clon (Alt +D) Shift downwards with Ctrl key. Flip vertically the clon . Make a line to joint the left nodes of the horizontal lines with Beziers pen. Use the snapping bar to be accurate. Duplicate this line and shift i...
Thu Mar 15, 2018 3:54 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Join connected line segments that form open structure
Replies: 9
Views: 2613

Re: Join connected line segments that form open structure

I just typed a whole post, pressed Submit, and got a login page again, pressed Login and got an empty "new topic" page again :x :x :x How can I join line segments (example attached) that form open structures? My design has many thousands of line segments. When I select all nodes using :to...
Thu Mar 15, 2018 2:04 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: drawing an arc aligned with grid points
Replies: 3
Views: 1429

Re: drawing an arc aligned with grid points

Hello: The way I do it, is to make a circle. To do it from a specific point, the center, active in the snapping bar, "adjust to the center of rotation". With the ellipse / circle tool I click on the center that I want at the same time that, with Ctrl key I move about 45º. With this I have ...
Wed Mar 14, 2018 9:29 pm
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Editing SVG file - path tools
Replies: 6
Views: 2032

Re: Editing SVG file - path tools

Michelangelo: El archivo svg que tienes es un objeto cerrado y por tanto al dar un color se llena el único recinto con ese color. Si quieres poner colores distintos, tiene que tener objetos distintos. ¿Cómo puedes hacer objetos distintos? Pues dividiendo el único objeto que tienes, en partes. Para e...
Wed Mar 14, 2018 9:23 pm
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Editing SVG file - path tools
Replies: 6
Views: 2032

Re: Editing SVG file - path tools

Hey. I am new to Inkscape. I am trying to edit the colors of an SVG file, and having some trouble. I want to change the color of the different sections of the image. I have been trying to use the paths tool to change the paths so that I can separate the different parts of the image, and color them ...
Thu Apr 14, 2016 6:32 pm
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Boolean operations. Intersection
Replies: 36
Views: 7422

Re: Boolean operations. Intersection

Cloning, grouping, layers, patterns and what not involved in this svg . Guess it would look horrible once saved as pdf and opened after in inkscape... I don't understand well. It works fine, but to me it's easily to do the tile by a pattern and then tiles clones. I try to learn you suggest it looks...
Thu Apr 14, 2016 8:37 am
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Boolean operations. Intersection
Replies: 36
Views: 7422

Re: Boolean operations. Intersection

I don't understand what do you mean with two pattern fill over each. I want to think that you use other object to cover the gaps with clipping, I don't use clipping with two objects. It's different clipping to intersection . If you place in exact place the copy de objects shifted the matched it's pe...
Thu Apr 14, 2016 6:17 am
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Boolean operations. Intersection
Replies: 36
Views: 7422

Re: Boolean operations. Intersection

Something wrong with the document, I haven't examined it yet. But, copy paste the two objects into a new document seems to resolve the issue here. Copying in the same document works as well. Looking at the XML, the "d" tag for the two paths (original and copy) are different. So me bet is ...
Thu Apr 14, 2016 3:23 am
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Boolean operations. Intersection
Replies: 36
Views: 7422

Re: Boolean operations. Intersection

I still dont understand why the original poster wants to make this a pattern with the four quarters at the corners. Is it because you want to use the pattern as a svg ? Because if you dont then working with the full pattern and tiling it as i showed above would be a much better solution. Especially...
Thu Apr 14, 2016 2:55 am
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Boolean operations. Intersection
Replies: 36
Views: 7422

Re: Boolean operations. Intersection

Something wrong with the document, I haven't examined it yet. But, copy paste the two objects into a new document seems to resolve the issue here. Copying in the same document works as well. Looking at the XML, the "d" tag for the two paths (original and copy) are different. So me bet is ...
Thu Apr 14, 2016 1:43 am
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Boolean operations. Intersection
Replies: 36
Views: 7422

Re: Boolean operations. Intersection

Something wrong with the document, I haven't examined it yet. But, copy paste the two objects into a new document seems to resolve the issue here. I don't understand what do you mean with the result after copy paste. In this case you can align the box of outline of the file intersection with the bo...
Tue Apr 12, 2016 8:14 pm
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Boolean operations. Intersection
Replies: 36
Views: 7422

Re: Boolean operations. Intersection

There are two problems. The first is the area selected after intersection operation it's wrong, that if it's for export as an image, no problem, you correct the area of selection. The other problem it's a bound around the intersection result. The intersection it's wrong executed. There aren't any ex...
Tue Apr 12, 2016 1:04 am
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Boolean operations. Intersection
Replies: 36
Views: 7422

Re: Boolean operations. Intersection

Hi: I send you the link to file: It's at the situation before making the operation Intersection. The original it's aside without any bound. If you execute the operation there is a bound around the objec...
Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:39 pm
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Boolean operations. Intersection
Replies: 36
Views: 7422

Boolean operations. Intersection

Hi there: I'm trying to make a pattern with an ornament (damask) that's a path. I make a square (100x100px) converted to a path and put in a coordinates easily to remember. Then I place in the center of the square the ornament, and place a copy in each corner(50px left, up, down, right) . Then combi...
Thu Feb 18, 2016 7:34 pm
Forum: Discuss Software Issues
Topic: [Need Help & Asking] Install UniConvertor 1.1.5
Replies: 5
Views: 20808

Re: [Need Help & Asking] Install UniConvertor 1.1.5

Hi erveryone: When I try to convert a file like eps or ai with UniConvertor there's a message "it can't find the file c:\sK1 project\UniConvertor-1.1.5\uniconvw.vbs". I realized that in Sytem, Advanced variable system if you edit Path you can find that var in path it's c:\sK1 project\UniCo...
Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:46 am
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Shift tiles clone opposite sense
Replies: 8
Views: 2068

Re: Shitf tiles clone opposite sense

The Tile Clones dialog receives other criticism as well. Primarily only having the percentage units, and no pixels or inch or mm, etc. The percentage units makes that dialog almost worthless for me, and I rarely use it. By the time I reverse engineer my desired result, to figure out the correct per...
Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:01 pm
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Shift tiles clone opposite sense
Replies: 8
Views: 2068

Re: Shitf tiles clone opposite sense

I've noticed about shift the y by column, but in the case y by file, to be coherent, the quantity of y, must be negative, the movement it's downward.


Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:51 pm
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Shift tiles clone opposite sense
Replies: 8
Views: 2068

Re: Shitf tiles clone opposite sense

Yes, it seems backwards to me too. I think Inkscape has something backwards, compared to other programs. Even though the X,Y axis is at the bottom, left corner (for grids, rulers), Inkscape uses top, left corner for origin. That's why "minus" is up. I think that is going to be "fixed...
Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:57 am
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Shift tiles clone opposite sense
Replies: 8
Views: 2068

Shift tiles clone opposite sense

Hi everyone: I've tried to make a tiles clone, playing with different options . I choose Simmetry P1 Simple translation. At the tab Shift I put shift y by column -50% The result it's placed at opposite sense, upward, in my opinion. If you put shift y by column 50% it's placed at opposite sense downw...
Wed Jan 27, 2016 6:00 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Replies: 4
Views: 1042


Thanks a lot. I'll try to colaborate as I can.
Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:34 pm
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Replies: 4
Views: 1042



I've tried to do again with the format of the page portrait and this case work very well.
As you notice I agree with you, in this case, could be a bug.

Thanks a lot.

Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:26 pm
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Replies: 4
Views: 1042


Hi: I've had a problem with the tool Tiles clone, the Symmetry p2. I've made two examples and one of their it does wright but the other one it's complete wrong with the same parameters, none shift or rotation. The original group it's compound by five elements in both cases. In the wrong example the ...
Wed Nov 04, 2015 8:38 pm
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Replies: 8
Views: 2155


Hi Moini: I didn't realize that in a operation of intersection the result take the atributes of the object at bottom. Thanks a lot. Relate to Jabier's extension I know but I don't have the template / extension. It's, I think, like a model of Tavmjong

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