Lazur URH wrote:Of course.
Awesome, thanks! I'll send it in a pm.
Lazur URH wrote:Of course.
ragstian wrote:Hi
Can you post the SVG or PDF?
ragstian wrote:Hi.
If you click on any of the red parts - what's in the status field? (bottom of Inkscape window)
Like in your screendump - "Path (10 nodes) in layer CR125-250 02-13 ... "
Lazur URH wrote:Eps cannot save transparency. Your drawing may contain such elements.
minky wrote:That's strange, I just tried to save as eps with the same settings you used and it worked fine. Is this the first time you are trying to save as eps?
brynn wrote:As druban said, PDF doesn't support transparent backgrounds. That means that no matter what you do, you won't be able to get a transparent background in PDF.