Also i had a question about running command line in windows, if i run
Code: Select all
inkscape --verb=SOMEVERB somefile.svg
inkscape --verb=SOMEVERB 'somefile.svg somefile2.svg'
Code: Select all
inkscape --verb=SOMEVERB "somefile withSpace.svg"
inkscape --verb=SOMEVERB '"somefile withSpace.svg.svg" "somefile withSpace2.svg"'
As for next question i want to ask if inkscape has some mechanism which stop running extension (my own python file) if it takes more than few second (probably about 5 but never take) because if extension is running more than 5 sec the cursor change form loading/waiting to normal one and inkscape hangs and stop responding so i need to close it manually?
As for next question in my svg i use an embed css stylesheet and when using command line i see a lot of warnings about properties of styles being non-useful and whilst there exist option in preferences that it would remove but even in checked i don't see any effect on it?
And the last question i want to know if there is any way to get a bounding box for path which isn't based on query to commandLine, i ask because if i could just get a bounding box that i could omit batch files and just fast create svg files through script and i believe it would be thousand times faster than using command line