How to fill 'blank' text

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How to fill 'blank' text

Postby sithu.d » Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:32 am

Hi everyone,

I am new here, finally decided to begin the earnest journey to Inkscape masterdom.

Quick question - I installed the font Super Mario Bros ( and I would like to be able to fill each letter with a different colour like this Image. Please advise? I am a total Inkscape newbie, and can only do glossy text and reflections so far.



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Re: How to fill 'blank' text

Postby brynn » Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:46 am

Welcome to the forum, Coderoid!

There has been much work done on the basic text, to result in the image you posted. The simplest way to fill the text with color, is just to use the Fill and Stroke dialog. But to do something like in your image, there will be many steps involved.

I would suggest finding and following a tutorial. Besides the ones in my signature, there are some in Help menu > Inkscape Manual (requires internet connection) > Quick Start. Although, I don't think there are any in the Quick Start like your example. But I'm sure you'll find some in the other places.

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Re: How to fill 'blank' text

Postby sithu.d » Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:04 am

Hi @brynn,

Thanks for the warm welcome :)

I did begin to think that this would take more steps than just colour and crop. For example, I see a lot of manual kerning in the finished image, something I only learned to do in Inkscape a day or so ago.

Thanks - I will likely find a tutorial and try to adapt some techniques. Straight into the deep end, head-first :)


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Re: How to fill 'blank' text

Postby brynn » Wed Dec 15, 2010 11:29 am

Straight into the deep end, head-first

That's the best way, imho :D

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Re: How to fill 'blank' text

Postby flamingolady » Wed Dec 15, 2010 11:42 am

I think you might like the outcome if you use the font, but, instead of typing all the text at once and changing the kerning and colors and such, to just type one letter, then stop. Then start another text box and type the second letter, then stop. That way you can easily change the color of each character and each would have it's own gradient, if you use one. Then, obviously, move all the text boxes together to seem as one word (group them when done editing).
good luck, I'm sure you'll come to love Inkscape as much as we do on here!

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