A script like this would be tremendously useful to the traveller community.
The features I'd like to see are the ability to turn a sec.txt file and meta.xml file and draw a map of either the sector or selected subsector from those instructions.
An example of whats in a sec.txt file.
System Name, Hex Location, UWP, Base Code, Trade Codes, Travel zone, Population Multiplier, Asteroid Belts, Gas Giants, Allegiance Code, Stellar Data.
Hanson's Star, 0105, X421000-0, N, Ba Lo Ni Po, Z, 1, 2, 3, Na, G2V.
An example of an meta.xml file
Code: Select all
<Subsector Index="A">ALPHA-A</Subsector>
<Subsector Index="B">ALPHA-B</Subsector>
<Subsector Index="C">BETA-A</Subsector>
<Subsector Index="D">BETA-B</Subsector>
<Subsector Index="E">ALPHA-G</Subsector>
<Subsector Index="F">APHA-D</Subsector>
<Subsector Index="G">BETA-G</Subsector>
<Subsector Index="H">BETA-D</Subsector>
<Subsector Index="I">GAMA-A</Subsector>
<Subsector Index="J">GAMA-B</Subsector>
<Subsector Index="K">DELTA-A</Subsector>
<Subsector Index="L">DELTA-B</Subsector>
<Subsector Index="M">GAMA-G</Subsector>
<Subsector Index="N">GAMA-D</Subsector>
<Subsector Index="O">DELTA-G</Subsector>
<Subsector Index="P">DELTA-D</Subsector>
<Allegiance Code="Tw">Twin Worlds</Allegiance>
<Border ShowLabel="false" Allegiance="Tw" Color="#ff0000">
0529 0628 0529
<Label Hex="0627" Allegiance="Tw"></Label>
<Route Start="0529" End="0628" Type="" Color="#b5ab98" />