Comic lettering

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Comic lettering

Postby btm » Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:48 pm


I'm a longtime photoshop user, but new to inkscape. I want to use it to letter comic pages and I'm looking for a few tips.

Playing around, the method I've found is to put down the text, make an ellipse around it and size as required, then make a gap in the stoke by making an arc. For the tail I use two bezier curves.

Is there a way to make it easier to link these shapes, as I find I have to zoom in extremely close to make sure the lines join in the correct position. Also, can I combine these three elements into one path?

I'm also wondering about how to make it all a flattened picture. I import the picture and letter over that. Now do I import back to photoshop? What resolution will the picture within the inkscape doc be once reimported to PS?

Sorry for all the newbie questions



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Re: Comic lettering

Postby microUgly » Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:42 pm

Once you've create your arc for the bubble, convert the object to a path (Path > Object to Path) then whilst the bubble is still selected, change to the Bezier (pen) tool and start drawing the tail by clicking on either end node on the bubble. By clicking on the node you are extending or adding to the path.

To flatten the picture, go to File > Export Bitmap. This will export the image as a PNG file.

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Re: Comic lettering

Postby Simarilius » Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:42 am

I'd draw the bubble, draw the stalk so that it overlaps and do a boolean union on it (ctrl & keypad +) to make it one shape.
Skips you having to do the arc step, and you only have to make sure that the stalk is going over the line and into the bubble.

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Re: Comic lettering

Postby microUgly » Thu Aug 30, 2007 7:23 am

That's a good point. Far easier.

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Re: Comic lettering

Postby Simarilius » Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:44 am

Thinking about it, the other way i sconvert to path, double click to add points on the path either side fo where you want the stalk,
convert those 2 nodes to sharp points (diamonds) then add apoint between and drag it out.

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