Using Object to Path in Text

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Using Object to Path in Text

Postby guinever1126 » Sat May 08, 2010 6:22 am

Hi I am new to Inkscape. I installed the latest version 0.47. I am using Windows Vista. I am trying to convert text into object. After selecting the text and do "object to path", the message was "no objects to convert to path in the selection".

To see more what I am trying to do here's the website: ... ks-in.html

I tried to search online for solutions. I checked my fonts and they are all in Control Panel/Appearance and Personalization and they are all Open Type. I can also see these fonts in Inkscape. This was already questioned to the above website but there was no response from him. So I decided to go here directly to have my question answer.

Thanks a lot. Hoping for your response.

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Re: Using Object to Path in Text

Postby microUgly » Sat May 08, 2010 8:36 am

guinever1126 wrote:After selecting the text and do "object to path", the message was "no objects to convert to path in the selection".

With your text object selected, take note of what it says in the status bar at the bottom of the Inkscape window. If you have selected the text object it will say Text. I suspect your text may be in a group and you've selected the group, in which case the status bar will say Group. It will also say Group if you have already converted the text object.

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