question about hatch fill by Milan1

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question about hatch fill by Milan1

Postby brynn » Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:39 am

[Note: This message moved from another topic. Originally posted by Milan1]

Good Afternoon,
Dear sir.
pls reply how can i hatch fill in horizontly and vertically in circle.if the no of circle 2 i intersect then how can achive the hatch.pls rply me.


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Re: question about hatch fill by Milan1

Postby tomh » Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:20 am

There are a couple of methods depending on the result that you want.#

1 Draw a circle using the :tool_ellipse: tool (hold down ctrl to kep it to circles not ellipses)
2)use a pattern fill (select object, Object->Fill and stroke...)
3) in the fill and stroke dialogue, under fill select the pattern option
4)Under pattern fill select one of the stripes options
5) you can use the node tool ( :tool_node: ) to adjust the pattern./ scale the pattern and rotate it 90 degrees.(look at the top left of the page border for the controls

1 Draw a circle using the :tool_ellipse: tool (hold down ctrl to keep it to circles not ellipses)
2 Use the hatch LPE:select the circle, then go Path->Path effect editor. Select Hatches (rough) from the drop down and click add, experiment with the options

1 Create the circle, go path-object to path
2 Using the node tool ( :tool_node: ) select 2 nodes on opposite sides, click on the "break path at selected nodes" (4th from left on bar) to create 2 subpaths
3 select top node; go path->reverse.
4 Path->Path effect editor-> stitch subpaths effect. increase number of subpaths

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Re: question about hatch fill by Milan1

Postby MaryStGeorge » Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:26 am

So useful. Thank you.

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