What do you think of my puzzle book cover?

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What do you think of my puzzle book cover?

Postby ginkgo100 » Sun Jun 05, 2016 12:24 pm

I'm about to publish this (I'm a "micro-publisher", a term I just made up, because "self-publisher" sounds so ... you know). Front cover and spine designed completely in Inkscape. I'm not including the back cover here because it's just a plain orange rectangle, haha! I did that design in Scribus because there is a fair amount of text. It should be available on Amazon before the end of summer... hopefully sooner, but I've learned that in self-publishing (I mean, micro-publishing), EVERYTHING takes longer than you expect it to. EVERYTHING.


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Re: What do you think of my puzzle book cover?

Postby Moini » Mon Jun 06, 2016 1:33 am

What I like:
- The letters stacked over each other
- The layout/arrangement of things

What I'd do differently:
- I'd change the red-orange background because I think it doesn't fit too well with the letters stack
- The letters in the stack sometimes have strange outlines, e.g. the A left of 'Revelation', so I'd probably edit those that look a bit off
- I'd maybe try out how it looks if I scatter two or three of those cut-out letters out of their stack, into the empty area between the title and author name
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Re: What do you think of my puzzle book cover?

Postby Maestral » Mon Jun 06, 2016 11:17 am

I could easily misread the title as a "Font search revelation", according to the graphics.
Perhaps you could do the same stacking but with words instead of letters?
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Re: What do you think of my puzzle book cover?

Postby Espermaschine » Mon Jun 06, 2016 11:34 pm

Im not sure what exactly you are asking for.
Do you want a critique ?

If so, i think there are a few things that could be improved.

I like the basic concept a lot !

On the second look, i think its a bit cluttered.
In my opinion there too many effects:
you have the layered letters AND the pattern fill effect on the title.
I would go with a basic title with a thinner stroke. Or no stroke at all and a different, more basic font.

Have you worked with a colorscheme ? Here are the colors i get:

I think some of the colors clash, like the basic red and the dark pink.
I would go with a more desaturated red for the basic red color.

You might also think about not mixing so many different fonts on the letter mix.
They are a little too playful, if you know what i mean.
I would use a mixture of more classic font, with a variation of serif and sans serif for variation.

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Re: What do you think of my puzzle book cover?

Postby SVGIsBetterThanAI » Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:35 am

Definitely a lot to like about this. I don't have any comments besides changing the font type. I love everything besides that. Phenomenal job overall!

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