Hand Drawn Looking pattern question

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Joined: Mon Sep 22, 2014 12:55 am

Hand Drawn Looking pattern question

Postby sneljel » Mon Sep 22, 2014 1:23 am


I've got some patterns and I wonder if I'm able to draw such patterns with Inkscape. I can work with Inkscape pretty well (I just started, with pretty well I mean that I can create some basic things and how to use the basic tools) and I know how to create these patterns, but how can I give my lines and everything that hand-drawn feeling they created?


These images are a part of an image from a t-shirt, here the full pictures (they're too big, so they won't be shown fully):


SOURCE: daily-paper.myshopify.com/pages/daily-paper-spring-summer-2014?design_theme_id=10096619#1

Am I able to achieve this with Inkscape? Is there maybe a special effect for this are some kind of tool?
If not, can you maybe tell me how I can?

I hope someone is able to help me, that would be awesome!

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