Change Desktop theme to DARK

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Change Desktop theme to DARK

Postby Beth61 » Wed Nov 29, 2017 5:13 am

I have WIN 10 64-bit, using Ink 92. To reduce eyestrain, I've been told to try switching to Dark Theme, to cut back on the brightness.

I did consult the manual but I didn't find anything there. I found some tips (Nick Saporito blog - he uses Inkscape almost exclusively and is a professional designer). However I ended up with a mess - parts of the menus icons etc. were dark, some weren't, fonts were missing, a mess. (The specific tip I followed was to uninstall my 64 and install 32. It didn't work.)

Does anyone have recommendations? Thank you very much.

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Re: Change Desktop theme to DARK

Postby brynn » Wed Nov 29, 2017 12:48 pm

I have problems with eyestrain too. So I'll share what I've done.

The thing which helps me absolutely the most, is to reduce the backlighting on your computer. If possible, turn it off. (I've never found backlighting setting for this computer, but my last one had it.) If that's not possible, reduce the Brightness. My computer has 10 steps for the brightness, and I keep mine on 2. Gosh, it hurts my eyes just to put it up one more step. At the highest level, I can hardly even look at it! (Could probably read by it in the dark!)

Another thing you could do is look into your Windows theme. The top part of Inkscape, all the toolbars and dialogs should be taking on your Windows theme color. I'm pretty sure the choices are limited on Windows 10, and you can't get a flat color anymore. But it can't hurt to look at the options. You should be able to find it under either Personalization or Display (from the Control Panel, if Windows 10 still has a control panel). And then look for Themes.

On Windows, there's no other way to change the Inkscape window color (except for the canvas background), except by changing the whole system theme. (Unless maybe for advanced users who might know tricks - but I don't know any.)

After that, you can change Inkscape's background to any color you want. Open Document Properties > Page tab > Background, and click on the bar which is half white and half checkerboard. If your current system theme is white, it might be hard to see that the bar is half white. But anyway, click on it. A small dialog will open where you can change the color. If you're not familiar with that kind of color control, here's what to do:

-- Click the HSL tab.
-- Move the 2nd slider from the top (labelled S:) all the way to the right.
-- Move the bottom slider (labelled A:) all the way to the right.
-- Nudge the L: slider back towards the left, to bring in the color.
-- Move the top slider to choose whatever basic color you want.
-- Now that you're in the neighborhood of the color you need, you can adjust all the sliders to find the perfect color. (It's probably best to leave the bottom slider all the way to the right, or else it might interfere with colors in your drawings.)

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Re: Change Desktop theme to DARK

Postby Moini » Thu Nov 30, 2017 12:57 am

You can keep the A slider all the way to the left. That way, you will not have the background color in your exported pngs or pdfs.

There is a way to set the style for Inkscape only, on Windows. If you want to google it, search for 'gtkrc' and 'Inkscape' and 'Windows'.
Last edited by Moini on Thu Nov 30, 2017 9:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Change Desktop theme to DARK

Postby Beth61 » Thu Nov 30, 2017 8:59 am

Moini and brynn - THANKS!!

brynn - The 'background color' option was completely under my radar, I guess I noticed it but apparently it didn't register in my head that maybe this is the option I should utilize. NOW I know, thank you!

Moini - Yeah, I ran into 'gtkrc' during my futile attempt to see what google / youtube. Anyway, I think I'll try the Background Color option for now. Thankss

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