arrows disappear after resize page do drawing or selection

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arrows disappear after resize page do drawing or selection

Postby basmat » Wed Nov 18, 2015 1:21 am

hi everybody
I've a been a user of inkscape for at least 5 years: amazing.. :)

when I select a drawing and do: document properties, resize page to drawing or selection ..all the arrows in the selection disappear and I've to either put them again one by one or making them re-appear by using undo function

anybody has suggestions or experienced the same issue?


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Re: arrows disappear after resize page do drawing or selection

Postby brynn » Wed Nov 18, 2015 2:06 am

Would you be able to share either that file, or make a sample file that shows the problem?

When you say "arrows" do you mean a path with and arrow marker on the end of it? Or is some other kind of arrow?

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Re: arrows disappear after resize page do drawing or selection

Postby basmat » Wed Nov 18, 2015 2:32 am

Here is the file ... b.svg?dl=0
when I say arrow I simply mean a path with at the end an arrow marker
I am working with Inkscape windows 0.91 r13725

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Re: arrows disappear after resize page do drawing or selection

Postby Moini » Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:55 am

Right. I was able to reproduce this once (and after that, not again :/).

Inkscape seems to cut off this


from your arrow objects' style attribute list.
But it wasn't correct directly before - there was something missing after marker-mid (although I have not selected a mid-marker, that attribute had appeared out of nowhere - it's not in the base file).
Something doesn't work? - Keeping an eye on the status bar can save you a lot of time!

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Re: arrows disappear after resize page do drawing or selection

Postby brynn » Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:38 am

I can't reproduce in that file, or in my own file.

But I'll look for any possible bug reports....

I found this one, about markers disappearing on copy/paste I know it's not the same thing but the closest I saw. Although I don't have much luck searching LP.

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Re: arrows disappear after resize page do drawing or selection

Postby Lazur » Wed Nov 18, 2015 6:46 am

Can imagine the behavior related to how transformations are implemented -generally on custom markers. To dodge in such situations grouping is the way to go.
Haven't checked, but in theory if you group the original marker object before resizing the page, then ungrouping it after resizing the page, if transformations are set to be optimized (?), it should work.
Only problem is that the marker objects are stored in the defs and virtually untouchable. Could try to use the xml editor.
Another option is making markers from clones and editing the parents as mentioned. Who knows, clones can get messy the same way.

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