Check if this happens to your InkScape!

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Check if this happens to your InkScape!

Postby BlueKnight » Sat May 25, 2013 1:38 pm

1.Close your InkScape if it is already opened.
2.Start your InkScape.
3.Maximize it.
4.Select the "Draw calligraphy or brush strokes" tool.
5.Draw 1 diagonal line.
6.Select the "Edit path by nodes" tool.
7.Change one node on your previously drawn line.
8.Undo your last operation twice.
9.Does InkScape crash and display the following message?:
InkScape wrote:Inkscape encountered an internal error and will close now.
Automatic backups of unsaved documents were done to the following locations:

Did it happen to your InkScape?

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Re: Check if this happens to your InkScape!

Postby ragstian » Sat May 25, 2013 1:55 pm


Tested and verified to be crashing on;

    Windows 7 Pro - Stable Inkscape 0.48.4 r9939 and dev. version 0.48+devel r12339
    Windows 8 Pro Build 9200 - Stable Inkscape 0.48.4 r9939
    Ubuntu 13.04 - Stable Inkscape 0.48.4 - r9939.

From the "Crash-Report" in Ubuntu;
    inkscape crashed with SIGSEGV in pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers()
Which operating system and what version of Inkscape do you experience this with?

Good Luck!
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Re: Check if this happens to your InkScape!

Postby lejimi » Sat May 25, 2013 6:31 pm

I tried and it works. Or rather it doesn't ;-)
Inkscape 0.91 / Ubuntu 12.04
Inkscape 0.91 / Debian Wheezy

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Re: Check if this happens to your InkScape!

Postby GAngus » Sat May 25, 2013 11:34 pm

Bang !
Yes, happens for me too.
iMac-OSX Mountain Lion 10.8.3, Inkscape 0.48.2

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Re: Check if this happens to your InkScape!

Postby ~suv » Sat May 25, 2013 11:53 pm

See my earlier comment: This issue has already been reported in Inkscape's bug tracker (multiple times) and has been confirmed as bug. No need for regular users to further test this, unless one enjoys to intentionally crash Inkscape.

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Re: Check if this happens to your InkScape!

Postby BlueKnight » Mon May 27, 2013 1:53 am

Which operating system and what version of Inkscape do you experience this with?

Xubuntu 12.10 64-bits. Inkscape r9886

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Re: Check if this happens to your InkScape!

Postby GAngus » Mon May 27, 2013 2:06 am

Sorry, I was simply responding to the OP's request, thinking wether it was just in his Xubuntu
or anywhere else.

I have noticed there seems to be many programs (Apps.) that crash when undo(s) are involved.
My guess is that, for a simple request like "undo", it's not so simple a task to program correctly,
especially regarding the shifting around of various temporary buffers in memory and the like.

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Re: Check if this happens to your InkScape!

Postby BobSongs » Mon May 27, 2013 2:51 am

System: Windows XP Home, Service Pack 3

Inkscape version: 0.48.4 r9939
Same crash, this residual output:

Code: Select all

** (inkscape.exe:2532): WARNING **: Failed to create path: invalid data in dc->cal1 or dc->cal2

Inkscape version: 0.48+devel r12322
Same crash, but no residual output.

Ponyscape version: 0.4 r12068
Same crash, but no residual output.

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Re: Check if this happens to your InkScape!

Postby lejimi » Mon May 27, 2013 5:42 am

I enjoyed it a lot, and I can't help doing it again and again...
Inkscape 0.91 / Ubuntu 12.04
Inkscape 0.91 / Debian Wheezy

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