Problems with ghostscript, pstoedit etc.

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Problems with ghostscript, pstoedit etc.

Postby ronch » Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:08 pm

Hi, I'm Italian and a newbye in this forum.
I'm using inkscape (ver. 0.46) since a few months but now i have a big problem with file exporting/importing. My goal is to export to an .ai (illustrator) file but i can't find this extension in the Save As drop-down menu. So, after reading some posts here i found the problem: Ghostscript was not installed. And like it other software like pstoedit. So i downloaded the versions of these softwares for windows and installed them. Then configured the Environment variable "path". But this dosen't helped, because i'm still unable to export to .ai or import .eps files. The error log is still saying that the dependency gs (or pstoedit) was not found.
I tryied to change the parameters in ai_output.inx and used the full path for the scripts, changed gs to gswinc (the windows version) but it is still not functioning. Can anyone help me width this problem? Thanks for the help

Inkscape 0.46 windows versione.
Ghostscript 8.63

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Re: Problems with ghostscript, pstoedit etc.

Postby microUgly » Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:26 am

If you're environment path is correct, you should be able to execute those applications from anywhere (i.e. open a command prompt, and run the application whilst you are in c:\). If they don't run then your path is incorrect.

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