How to make this effect

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How to make this effect

Postby fredep57 » Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:25 am

Need to know (1) what the font is and (2) how to make it like this. This is a "rip" of a business card and want to duplicate the effect for others.

PerfFont.png (81.32 KiB) Viewed 1070 times

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Re: How to make this effect

Postby flipjargendy » Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:43 am

Not sure which font that is, but check this website out. If it doesn't find the font, it will find one close most of the time:

Also, I would try out some of the effects under Filters > Bevels OR Filters > Bumps. You can probably get something pretty close.

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Re: How to make this effect

Postby brynn » Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:31 pm

Hhmmm, I can't find any filters that create that sort of chiselled bevel effect. But you may find a font like that. You'll just have to search around to find one, unless you're lucky enough that someone else will happen know one like that, and happen to see this message.

I did do some experimenting though. And just with a regular flat looking font (such as Georgia) I got something fairly similar, by using the Bevels > Pressed Steel filter, and then the Bevels > Bright Metal filter on top of it. I have no idea whether you have that font though.

Inkscape's Text tool will display all the fonts that you have already installed. So you could probably look through them and find one quite similar. But if you specifically need that kind of chiselled, bevelled, sort of 3D look, you'll have to search around the internet. Or I guess there could be an existing Inkscape filter that will do that 3D look, that I just haven't found yet.

Good luck :D

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