Exporting layered drawings

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Exporting layered drawings

Postby anonymous for now » Sat Nov 29, 2008 4:14 pm

Hi !

I wanted to create a set of UV Textures, and used several layers (Color, Specular, Bump, Transparency, etc.) and theres the problem with 0.46...

Saving to PNG results in all layers being merged to a single PNG. :( :evil:
I would like to have an option, to save each layer to a separate file, giving a base name and using the names of the layers.

export dialog entry: FILE
saved files: FILE_layer1.png, FILE_layer2.png, etc.

Also nice would be an option to group objects, and an Object list view, like the layer list view.

Sorry for beeing nameless now...


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Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:37 am

Re: Exporting layered drawings

Postby Simarilius » Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:19 pm

It exports whatevers visible, just turn them on one at a time and export and you'll get them as single layer files.
Thought there was an extension to do this but cant see it right now.

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