default Connector tool line style

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default Connector tool line style

Postby brynn » Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:51 am

Hi Friends,
I was just answering a message about the Connector tool and needed to zoom out extremely (3.2%). I wanted to set the default style of the Connector tool to have a wider stroke (temporarily) because the default 1 px width can hardly be seen at 3.2% zoom. But I see in Inks Prefs > Connector, that there is no way to set the style. Of course I know how to change the width after drawing it. But Inkscape won't even use the last used style. And for spending 20 or 30 minutes experimenting, it gets annoying changing them one by one, so that's why I wanted them to be drawn at say 30 to 50 px from the start.

But apart from my own current needs, I would think that style properties (attributes?) for the Connector tool would seem beneficial for others in different cirumstances.

I've done some searching at Launchpad, and I didn't find any previous requests. Although a couple of the bugs are quite long, and I didn't read all the way through every single one. Anyway, before I make a report, I wonder if anyone has any comments as to whether this would be a worthwhile feature request? I don't have much use for the Connector tool in general, and may not understand certain things. I mean, maybe there's a good reason not to have styles for connector lines?

To be clear, I'm talking about style options, just like most of the other tools, as to fill, and stroke width, color, and/or opacity (although fill is really moot for this tool) which are shown in the top, right corner of the window. And also the option for last used style or this tool's own style. (Currently....well, at least in 0.48.1, it won't even take the last used style.) If it seems reasonable, I'll make a Wishlist request for it.

Thanks for your help :D

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Re: default Connector tool line style

Postby thekswenson » Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:58 pm

I just want to say that I use connectors often and find it very time consuming to have to change the connector style each time.

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Re: default Connector tool line style

Postby brynn » Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:13 pm

Just filed wishlist:

Bug #1280096

If anyone wants to add support, just follow the link above, and click on "This bug affects you :!: "

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