SVG optimization tips required

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SVG optimization tips required

Postby coder » Tue Jun 01, 2010 11:19 pm

Hi folk,

Currently i am working on SVG,I need optimize the SVG.So could you please suggest me the better ways to

optimize the SVG content for embedded target,.And i would like to know is there any possible steps to convert path to polygon

used in the SVG.

Thanks in advance

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Re: SVG optimization tips required

Postby tomh » Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:26 am

First 2 caviates: 1, I have never produced svg files for embedded systems before. 2 I don't have a copy of inkscape infront of me at the moment. this is done from memory...

File size. Can be done by

1)File -> Vacume Defs
2)File -> Save As -> Optimised SVG (scour, see )
3)set the "max precission" and significant didits in the inkscape prefrances (prefrances -> Svg output???)

Rendering performance. Harder...

0)Check SVG Tiny/Basic/full diffrances:
1)Avoid filters and clip/mask, which needs additional compositing in the render
3)remove unused items from canvus - check for hidden objects / obscured objects / objects off canvus / so small you can't see them objects, check out outine view mode, can be helpfull
2)simplify geometry (control+L ??), edit the path data and make sure straite lines are not acully spline curves (see :tool_node: toolbar)
3)use fill="RRBBGG" instead of css style atubutes, think optimised svg output has this option?


Re: SVG optimization tips required

Postby coder » Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:22 pm

Hi tomh,

Thanks a lot for giving me such a valuable information.And i am having some more doubts like how we can reduce the number of polygon count and as i aware that SVG paths are straight lines or quadratic, cubic or quartic bezier curves is there is any possible ways to convert path to polygon,

Thanks in advance

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