Subscript / superscript - turns to regular on overwrite

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Subscript / superscript - turns to regular on overwrite

Postby Grobe » Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:24 am


All versions of Inkscape I guess behaves this way. Example on how to make this behaviour clearly visible:

  • Write a simple text, "123" size 20
  • Make character 1 superscript and 3 subscript.
  • Select character 1.
  • Type "A" (or whatever character you want, as long as it overwrites "1")
  • Non-expected behaviour: The new character has lost the superscript atribute, and have same font size as "2". Expected behaviour here is that the new character also are formatted as superscript.
  • This behaviour also occurs when trying to overwrite "3" wit another character - it lost it's subscript attribute.

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Re: Subscript / superscript - turns to regular on overwrite

Postby Grobe » Mon Jun 29, 2015 12:55 am

A'm I the only person that feel bugged by this behaviour?

Is there really no better workaround for this?

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Re: Subscript / superscript - turns to regular on overwrite

Postby brynn » Mon Jun 29, 2015 2:13 am

I don't use those options much - hardly ever. But I agree that it seems illogical, and I would consider it a bug. I guess you've searched for existing bug reports already? If not, you're welcome to search, or you're welcome to submit a new bug report. Or if you don't have a LP account, I'd be glad to do it for you.

I don't even see that there is a workaround. I guess you just have to re-set as sub or superscript. Let's see what happens to the XML....

Ok yes, if you look in the XML Editor, you can see the svg:tspan id element disappear when you edit the super/subscript on canvas. It sure has the "buggy" feel to it, to me.

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