svg font editor - matching string unicode number

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Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2015 7:54 am

svg font editor - matching string unicode number

Postby horol » Sun Feb 22, 2015 1:44 am

When matching string is defined as hex code (e.g. "&#0xE001;"), char "&" is encoded to "&". The result is "&#0xE001" rewrited to "&#0xE001". Is it bug or feature? :)

Problem is with conversion tools (e.g. or others), because glyph code is not correctly recognized.

workaround: replace "&" to "&" in inkscape svg file before using conversion tool.
question: is it possible to use matching string as unicode hex code? how? I tried "\e001", "&#0xe001", "U+e001". without success.

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Re: svg font editor - matching string unicode number

Postby hulf2012 » Sun Feb 22, 2015 3:18 am

Please don't duplicate your posts. At the end It can confuse to people who wants to help, or have the same issue.

About the SVG font editor, in general: There isn't any good documentation about that. Tavmjong's guide surprisingly doesn't say any about that feature. At this moment I don't know what are the plans of the devlopers of Inkscape about this set of tools.

About your problem, I will try to give some info I see

You can see a Inkscape's SVG file with a text editor. For example, I've worked a svg font with a unicode character. See what i have:

Code: Select all

       inkscape:label="tipografía 1">
         font-family="SVGFont 1" />
         id="missing-glyph3352" />
         glyph-name="glifo 1"
         d="m 112.4375,987.0957 c ...l 1.62975,-0.003 z" />

As i see, In inkscape you can asign a path to a unicode character writing the character in a unicode attribute Like:

Code: Select all


for the letter "'á".

...What is your opinion? :)

More info: ... eAttribute

It is often useful to refer to characters using XML character references expressed in hexadecimal notation or decimal notation. For example, unicode="ffl" could be expressed as XML character references in hexadecimal notation as unicode="&#x66;&#x66;&#x6c;" or in decimal notation as unicode="&#102;&#102;&#108;".

In my Inkscape's version, using my system with my country's keyboard, I use two keys for the " á " character. Inkscape doesn't introduce any hexadecimal or decimal code.

So, from my point of view, you have to introduce those codes by hand, if you want that freefontconverter recognize your work
If you have problems:
1.- Post a sample (or samples) of your file please.
2.- Please check here:
3.- If you manage to solve your problem, please post here your solution.

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