Inkscape Item navigator/browsers

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Inkscape Item navigator/browsers

Postby JZA » Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:42 pm

An item explorer would be nice, I know the XML editor does have the possibility to list the elements on the XML but still not something that is as easy to search for.

I am attaching a screenshot of the item explorer within a page that Draw uses. Would be great to have something similar for items on the layer.
drawdialog.png Draw item explorer
drawdialog.png (36.24 KiB) Viewed 1984 times

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Re: Inkscape Item navigator/browsers

Postby brynn » Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:19 am

Yes, this has been a very frequently requested new feature -- something like an object manager, I guess you'd call it. I expect we'll eventually see such a feature for Inkscape, but I couldn't say when.

I'm not sure if you realize that Inkscape is an open source project, or know what open source is? But anyone who is a competent coder/programmer, and has some extra time to contribute, is welcome to contact developers. I suppose they have some sort of list of priorities, and could offer you the opportunity to work on a particular task. Or if someone wants a particular feature, and can write the programming, certainly contact the developers and get started! :D

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