I'm starting on the list of keyboard shortcuts, persuant to the discussion at the end of this topic: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=9860
Based on ~suv's comment:
What is needed IMHO is an outside view, tediously going through all tool contexts and actions, noting down what each modifier and each combination of modifiers does, as well as listing all hard-coded shortcuts within tool contexts which do not have an associated verb (i.e. can't be configured and customized in the 'keys/default.xml' file).
I want to create just such a list or lists. Since the configurable shortcuts are fairly well documented already, I'm starting there, and using both default.xml and http://inkscape.org/doc/keys048.html as guides.
This question is not vital for me to continue working, but I'm just curious. Here's a small screenshot of a section of default.xml:
There are many items in the long list which start not with "bind key" but "bind action", and in my screenshot, "<bind action="SelectPrefs"/>". Are these simply actions (verbs?) for which there is no key binding? Because I see that all the other items that start with "bind key" also do have an "action". Are they listed here because the developers hope to assign them a key binding at some point? Or otherwise, why are they listed there?
Thanks for your help