Radial pattern in a circle

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Radial pattern in a circle

Postby IvanGabor » Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:57 am

Hello! I should like to put brush-straws radially in a circle. I mean, I have a png image about the side of a brush and I want to bend it. I have a circle and another circle inside and I should like to put this pattern radially between the two circles. Brushstraws radially outward, as on a hedghog. How can I do this?

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Re: Radial pattern in a circle

Postby brynn » Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:34 pm

Welcome to InkscapeForum!

Hhhhm, I'm not entirely sure I understand what you want to do. It's not possible to take an existing image and bend the image into a circle.....at all that I know of, but definitely not with Inkscape. However, after converting the PNG to SVG, it might be possible. Then you would have paths, and you can cause the paths to either follow a skeleton path (circle), or to be repeated in a radial manner. It will take somewhat advanced Inkscape skills, and we can probably walk you through it, although I might not be the best person for the job.

But first, can you show us the PNG image? Once we see what's involved, we'll be better able to suggest a particular process, and tell you how to do it. Also, is the PNG image required? I mean, is there something about it that needs to remain intact? Because there are a couple of ways that I can think of, to draw something like that without the use of an existing image. And possibly easier :D

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Re: Radial pattern in a circle

Postby IvanGabor » Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:29 am

Thank you, brynn. However I am not really new here, but I couldn't find my inlog as Gabriel and the program couldn't find me as Gabriel either. But no problem, I have a lot of identities :lol:
I made this brushwheel in SketchUp and I beleived that radial straws as texture would be easy to make in Inkscape. It is not so important for me longer, but maybe it is an interesting nut to crack.
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Re: Radial pattern in a circle

Postby brynn » Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:58 am

Oh gosh!
Maybe a 3D program like Blender would be better?
By your description, I was thinking it would be a side view. But at an angle like that, I guess it's an isometric (axonomic) view, I don't think Inkscape can do it. Because the view of the bristles (on the right) which appears to be kind of a top down view (or bottom up) would have to somehow be made to look like the viewer is looking at the isometric angle, as in your middle image.

You could take the left image, convert to vector, and possible make the side view by using radial tiled clones. At first I was thinking maybe pattern along path, but I don't know. Maybe the isometric angle could be spoofed using the ribbon option?? After using Trace Bitmap on the right image?

PS - is this the other account? memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=192

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Re: Radial pattern in a circle

Postby IvanGabor » Wed Nov 16, 2011 12:03 am

Yes, this is the other account.
Sketchup is a 3d program. I don't know, if Bender is better, but this is very easy to use and I don't have professionel ambitions. However I don't try to make the 3d in Inkscape. I thougt that I would make a circle with radial brushstraws in Inkscapes, then import it to Sketchup and glue it on the side of the wheel. I shall try your advices. Thank you.

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Re: Radial pattern in a circle

Postby brynn » Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:15 pm

Oh ok, I had no idea the Sketchup is a 3D program.

Well, you might be able to use Trace Bitmap on the PNG on the right (top down/bottom up view) twice. Do it once for colors, and do it a 2nd time for grays. There might be a way, I'm thinking, to combine the color scan and the gray scan, to make it look like the isometric angle -- the gray scan being for shadows. Perhaps using some transparency....I'm not really sure if it would work.

Then possibly using Envelope Deformation, you could make the 2 scans curved to fit around the right side of the wheel? These 2 scans will be such complicated images, I'm not sure if Pattern Along Path could be used. I seem to recall that one of the Pattern Along Path methods works with groups, but I might have that confused with something else. (There's the PAP path effect, and there's also an extension, and they work slightly differently.) (Same with Env Deform)

I'm just not sure about any of this. And I have zero experience with 3D. Are you thinking to make the "brush wheel" turn, like animated? It would just take some time and a lot of experimenting with Inkscape. It might be that someone could draw such a "machine" faster from scratch, than with the PNG scans. I'd have to take and try all these things myself, before I could say for sure.

But meanwhile, hopefully there will be other replies for you. A lot of Inkscaper's love the challenge, and I suspect you will receive more replies :D

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