We use inkscape for designing SVG graphics
that are used and animated with http://pvbrowser.org
Within pvbrowser we can hide/show/move/rotate/resize objects that have a name within the SVG code.
There is 1 inconvenience when drawing graphics.
- SVG coordinates start in the upper left corner
- inkscape coordinates, that are displayed within inkscape, start in the lower left corner
We would wish a new option, that would make inkscape show SVG coordinates.
SVG/inkscape coordinate system
Re: SVG/inkscape coordinate system
It's scheduled for 0.47.
"Revisit coordination system (move away from Cartesian)"
"Revisit coordination system (move away from Cartesian)"
Re: SVG/inkscape coordinate system
Is anyone still working on this? This post is from 2 years ago?
Re: SVG/inkscape coordinate system
markww wrote:Is anyone still working on this? This post is from 2 years ago?
You mean 1 year ago?
Inkscape's development is slow, but anyone can volunteer their time to speed it up.