Doesn't save as EPS big files

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Doesn't save as EPS big files

Postby dnelub » Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:38 am


I think what I am going to report here is a bug because I can re-produce it in both 0.48 and 0.49. I attached the relevant file. It can be saved as eps as long as it is small. However, inkscape doesn't save it as eps when it is re-sized and becomes bigger for instance, when the width of the drawing area is larger than 3000px.
Or is there any solution for this problem? I may be mistaken!

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Re: Doesn't save as EPS big files

Postby brynn » Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:46 am

Welcome to InkscapeForum!

Using your sample file, I changed the width of the Group of images to 3040 px, and was able to save it without any problem. I can't, however, open it to make sure about the contents, because I don't have any program which will open and EPS file.

Are you talking about the drawing size or the page size? Ok, I changed the page size to 3040 as well, but it also saved without any problems.

It's not such a large image, in terms of kb, that it should really challenge any computer. If it was a few mb, and the computer had less than 2 gb RAM, it could be related to the computer's memory.

In any case, I've not been able to reproduce your problem. When you say "Inkscape doesn't save it" what exactly do you mean? Does Inkscape crash? Do you get some kind of error message? If you're looking for it using the Inkscape open dialog, and you can't find it, that's because Inkscape can't open EPS files, so EPS files aren't shown in the dialog. But if you look for it with a file manager, it should be right where you put it.

Let us know if you have any additional info to share :D

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Re: Doesn't save as EPS big files

Postby dnelub » Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:36 am

hi brynn

I am sorry of answering so late. I was off for couple of days.
First of all, I have tested this file in r9886 and 0.48+devel r11167. In both, I have received the same error message which is "The file xxx.eps could not be saved". I have 4gb DDR3 memory and intel core i7 cpu so, I dont think it is because of insufficient memory because I check memory usage during saving. There is no change in memory usage and there is no crash. In fact, when I try to save it as eps, i receive the error instantly.
Secondly, Inkscape creates an eps file but its content is empty. I have tried to open the file in inkscape, scribus, illustrator and gsview32. The result is same, nothing.

I have been working in a middle-sized agency and I am trying to get my colleagues used to inkscape. Unfortunately such problems make it difficult. As we always deal with big files, this bug or error gives me trouble.

By the way, I am ready to share some additional information requested.

thanks in advance.

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Re: Doesn't save as EPS big files

Postby brynn » Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:18 pm

That's a development version that you're using, both of them. Have you reported this at Launchpad (Inkscape's bug tracker), or searched for similar bugs? I'm sure they would want to know about it, if they don't already. I tested on 0.48.1.

For a middle sized agency, I think you should probably stick with stable releases, and leave the dev versions alone, unless you specifically need some new feature which has not come out in a stable release yet. While some people strongly advocate using a development version, in order to always have the most cutting edge features, they are unstable by nature, and you're bound to run into all sorts of potential problems.

The current stable release is 0.48.2, with 0.48.3 expected some time this year. It's my understanding that 0.48.3 will be all bug fixes, as was 0.48.2. Then 0.49 will introduce our new faster renderer :D

I would suggest searching at Launchpad to see if this has been reported. If so, you can offer your comments, and if not, you can file the initial report.

Let us know if you'd rather not make the report yourself. Because I really do think this needs to be reported there, and one of us could do it if you don't want to. Naturally you'd be the best person to report it because you can gather any additional info they might need. If you do report it, be sure to provide your same sample file :D

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Re: Doesn't save as EPS big files

Postby dnelub » Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:17 am

roger that !

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