Keep gradient in place?

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Keep gradient in place?

Postby indy2005 » Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:06 am


I am trying to duplicate some objects which have gradients applied, so I can try and create a different colour variant of the objects...when I duplicate the group and move it, the gradients seem to stay locked in place - so when I move the duplicated vectors - they lose their gradients (unless I move the vector back!).

Very clever stuff...but how do I keep the gradients attached to local space and not fixed in world space.



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Re: Keep gradient in place?

Postby druban » Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:22 am

with your selection tool :tool_selector: picked look at the control bar on the right hand side are some icons that control whether style attributes move and scale (i.e. transform) with objects. Mouse over them to find and click the gradient option if you can't spot it right away...
That should do it. Good luck!

N.B. In your preferences you might need to uncheck "allow sharing of gradient definitions" at some point if you seem to be having problems with creating variations of gradients...
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Re: Keep gradient in place?

Postby indy2005 » Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:06 pm


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