A Bee
A Bee
Hi guys! New user here. I have some experience with vector graphics and animations (I made a comic-like thing once in Macromedia Fireworks and a few Flash cartoons) and I decided to get inkscape to replace the kind of crappy FireWorks.
Of course, I'm keeping FireWorks for it's animation, but still.
I drew this in inkscape and put it into motion with macromedia fireworks. Not bad for not even going through the tutorial, I think.
Re: A Bee
That's nice work. How do you manage each frame in Inkscape? I'm thinking it would be easiest to put each frame together in its own layer and clone the objects.
Re: A Bee
I really don't know how to clone or use layers yet. (Going through the tutorials now)
What I did was this: I exported each wing and the body as pngs, then imported each into fireworks. I then made the body bob and the wings flap by just moving and rotating them over 7 frames.
What I did was this: I exported each wing and the body as pngs, then imported each into fireworks. I then made the body bob and the wings flap by just moving and rotating them over 7 frames.
Re: A Bee
Ah... well... yah, that's an easier way Trust me to make the process more complicated than it need be.