
Introduce yourself, get to know each other.
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:46 pm


Postby Mithferion » Sat Sep 14, 2013 7:10 pm

Hello, everyone!

My username is Mithferion (it really has no meaning, it's just because).

Since I remember I love drawing, and because of that I feel attracted to graphic design. I'm also a passionate of Software Libre and that's why Inkscape is one of my favourite programs. Sometime ago I used Corel Draw, so, I had a little background before I started using Inkscape. I really like the program, and I've also been able to use it on my job (I'm a Consultant and sometimes you have to design things, especially for reports or dashboards; there is a Consultant who is a graphic designer, he uses de Adobe Suite, but via SVG format I've been able to use/redesign/create his designs according to our needs).

I've learned via tutorials over the Internet, and I can say I'm really happy with it (I tried Illustrator but I didn't like it).

Anyway, I'm here to learn and share. I feel this is a great community, and I'm happy to start here.

Best Regards!

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Re: Hello

Postby Inkspots » Sun Sep 22, 2013 3:34 am

Hello Mithferion,

Thank you for sharing some of your art and inkscape experiences with us.

I hope you will like it here.

Welcome to the Inkscape forum. : )

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