I've already asked this question on TeX.StackExchange, but I need the help of real inkscpae enthusiasts
What is the problem: I'm trying to import a graphic created in LibreOffice Draw in a LaTeX document. But that didn't work very well.
So far I've tried the Way:
- Export Document to SVG file.
- Open with Inkscape and Export using eps+latex
- Including resulting xxx.eps_tex in latex
Although the SVG seems to be just fine (also in Inkscape), the exported positions of the text are bad (following is a snip of latex-code that is produced by inkscpae using the eps+latex feature):
Code: Select all
\put(-0.05241193,0.78432034){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{Cladding (air)}}}%
Same goes for pdf+latex export.
Original LibreOffice (version file and exported SVG (Inkscape
This is how it looks like in Inkscape (looks ok):
And this how it looks like in Latex (text misaligned):
Now there comes the spooky part:
When I add some text in Inkscape itself, then this is working just as expected. Nevertheless the text created in Office is recognized as text in inkscape, but even when I change it there, the changed text will be just the same - misaligned.
Can anybody tell me how I can fix this problem?