
General discussions about Inkscape.
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Postby amdcusa » Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:50 am

Hello I am new to Inkscapeforum.
Some time ago I use this great tool but I have some doubts about the program.
1 - may help to load gpu as does libreoffice with amd? because it is slow and I think mul inkscape only uses one core of the cpu.
2 -one of the most important for me is that inkscape does not create leaves like Corel to do jobs that require many pages is annoying to have to open another file or combine in scribus.

For me it's the only thing that requires the program to be great I have done important work and have been great.But those are the only defects that slow, eh found regarding the assembly of pages.
The rest of the program is amazing congratulations. :D
Hola soy un nuevo usuario de Inkscapeforum.
Hace un tiempo que uso esta genial herramienta pero tengo algunas dudas sobre el programa.
1- es posible la ayuda de gpu para calculos como lo hace libreoffice con amd? ya que es mul lento y pienso que inkscape solo usa un nucleo del cpu.
2- uno de los mas importantes para mi es porque inkscape no crea hojas como las de Corel para hacer trabajos que requieran muchas hojas es molesto tener que abrir otro archivo o compaginar en scribus.

Para mi es lo unico que necesita el programa para ser genial ya he realizado trabajos importantes y han quedado geniales.
Pero esos son los unicos defectos que le eh encontrado lento y con respecto a el armado de paginas.
El resto del programa es increible felicitaciones. :D

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Re: consult

Postby amdcusa » Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:02 pm

Hello, I know I'm something new and I can be annoying. But if someone can tell me what I'm asking is possible or are in plans?.
Thank you very much.
Hola, se que soy algo nuevo y puedo ser molesto. Pero alguien me puede decir si lo que pregunto es posible o estan en planes?.
Muchas gracias

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Re: consult

Postby Lazur » Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:35 pm


It's nothing personal, it's just that the answer for your question is disappointing.

Inkscape is not yet using gpu, and, there is no official 64bit release.
Partha compiled it for win users:

Some have problems with the dark theme and icons visibility,

Here is an icon set made recently by hastypixels to improve on it a bit:

Though my experience is that it doesn't solve every problem of performance issues.
If they are related with garbage collectors, like a large amount of objects with a pattern fill.
link to a topic with a small, but "instabile" file

On the page options -inkscape is based on the svg specification as much as possible.
Though that concept is largely missed when it comes to web usage with css...
So there is not much option if you want to make a multiple page file.
The only solution I know of, is to save each page as a separate pdf, then
use another program like pdf split and merge, to stich them together.

So sorry for the belated welcome, and hope you won't run into such parts inkscape is lacking that much.

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Re: consult

Postby ianp5a » Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:14 pm

Regarding 2) multiple pages. It is a good request and not difficult to implement. I don't know how high a priority it is though.
It need not be limited by the SVG standard. Each page can be saved as a separate SVG. If necessary these separate SVG files can be grouped in a zip type file container in a similar way that open office works. Or sub-folders. There are many simple solutions.
Alternatively Inkscape could be enhanced to give it serious capabilities for more complex project work with an additional "Project" GUI that manages individual SVG files grouped into "projects". Maybe there is already a plug-in?

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Re: consult

Postby amdcusa » Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:49 am

It occurred to me to ask if amd developers could give some kind of support in gpu matter. Can someone give a hand or are interested amd also gave support to libreoffice.
Se me a ocurrido pedirle a los desarrolladores de amd si pudieran dale algun tipo de apoyo en materia gpu. Capaz que alguien da alguna mano o le interesa asi como amd le dio apoyo a libreoffice

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Re: consult

Postby Lazur » Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:04 am

This forum is user oriented, you may have better responses at inkscape's launchpad site, where you can discuss with the developers.

It would be a great pleasure to give a boost to inkscape's performance.

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Re: consult

Postby Lazur » Thu Feb 05, 2015 11:43 pm

Lazur URH wrote:not yet using gpu, and, there is no official 64bit release.

Now, 0.91 is out, with native 64bit builds and gpu usage on filters.
release notes

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