[SOLVED] Old version - 0.48.1 for Windows

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[SOLVED] Old version - 0.48.1 for Windows

Postby Ponny » Sun Nov 20, 2011 4:53 am


I'm searching for inkscape - the old version 0.48.1.
Because, there is two verry annoying things in 0.48.2.
- First, if you move through the painting with "object properties" window open, you get multiple instances of this window. Of course, real is only one. The others are only fata morgana.
- Second, if you minimize inkscape window with open "object properties" window, you minimize only program window. Then you can't maximize program window until you close "object properties" window.

Well, I'm not searching for help for solving this two problems right now. I just searching for link to download Inkscape 0.48.1 for Windows. I hope, this still exist somewhere.

Thank you and good night

Ponny :oops:
Last edited by Ponny on Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Old version - 0.48.1 for Windows

Postby brynn » Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:44 am

You should be able to find it here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/inkscape/files/ (click on O Inkscape to open list of files).

But I don't think you will avoid the 2nd problem. I could be wrong, but there's been a problem for awhile with minimizing dialogs. I'm not sure what you mean with the first problem. But since you aren't looking for a solution, it doesn't matter.

I hope this older version works for you :D

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Re: Old version - 0.48.1 for Windows

Postby Ponny » Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:57 pm

Thankyou, that's it, what I need.

Yes I solved problem 1.
And yes, I am not well explained this problem. It is not moving through the painting. It is scrolling through the picture. In fact, this problem looks like bad screen refreshing. Just for explanation I added two screen snapshots.
1: Ink_problem_1.jpg - before moving the "object properties" window
2: Ink_problem_2.jpg - after moving the "object properties" window
- On this picture, only one is real window. Others are some sort of echo.

About problem 2: In Mint Linux 9 - Inkscape r9760 (inkscape_0.48.1-1~getdeb1_i386.deb) I can minimize program window with "object properties" window opened - both minimized. And then I can maximize complete Inkscape.

Well, I returned to for now in Windows. Now I can wait for next release. I think this will be 0.48.3, maybe in next 3 months. And then maybe 0.49 in next 12 months.

By the way, how can I know, what version have I exactly installed in win, or

Thankyou again

Problem occur
Ink_problem_2.jpg (187.3 KiB) Viewed 2795 times
Before problem
Ink_problem_1.jpg (180.13 KiB) Viewed 2795 times
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Re: Old version - 0.48.1 for Windows

Postby ~suv » Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:39 am

Ponny wrote:By the way, how can I know, what version have I exactly installed in win, or
Inkscape menu 'Help > About Inkscape'
Ponny wrote:First, if you move through the painting with "object properties" window open, you get multiple instances of this window. Of course, real is only one. The others are only fata morgana
Known regression with the updated GTK+ stack used in Inskcape 0.48.2 and recent development snapshot builds for Windows (apparently depends on the Windows desktop theme on XP):
Bug #824221 “multiple windows when scrolling (Windows XP)
Ponny wrote:Second, if you minimize inkscape window with open "object properties" window, you minimize only program window. Then you can't maximize program window until you close "object properties" window.
There are several similar or possibly related reports in the bug tracker - but since I don't use Windows myself, I can't check/verify if one of them describes this one precisely (or a similar one caused by the same upstream GTK+/win32 bug). This is a regression only happening with Inkscape 0.48.2, and not with earlier versions?

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Re: Old version - 0.48.1 for Windows

Postby ~suv » Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:48 am

~suv wrote:
Ponny wrote:By the way, how can I know, what version have I exactly installed in win, or
Inkscape menu 'Help > About Inkscape'

Sorry - I misread: I don't think you can see the build number (unrelated to release and revision number) from within Inkscape. As described in the README file at sf.net, the difference between the two builds (0.48.1-1 and 0.48.1-2) is the version of the cairo library: to test, open a new document and save a copy as EPS file. Then open the EPS file in Notepad and check the cairo version (in the second, recommended stable build of Inkscape 0.48.1 for Windows, cairo was reverted to 1.8.8 due to regressions with cairo 1.10.2):

From EPS file created with Inkscape 0.48.1-1 (win32):

Code: Select all

%%Creator: cairo 1.10.2 (http://cairographics.org)

From EPS file created with Inkscape 0.48.1-2 (win32):

Code: Select all

%%Creator: cairo 1.8.8 (http://cairographics.org)

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Re: Old version - 0.48.1 for Windows

Postby Ponny » Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:47 am

Thank you

About scrolling through the document - I will wait for new version.

About minimizing:
Ponny wrote:Second, if you minimize inkscape window with open "object properties" window, you minimize only program window. Then you can't maximize program window until you close "object properties" window.

Answer: There are several similar or possibly related reports in the bug tracker - but since I don't use Windows myself, I can't check/verify if one of them describes this one precisely (or a similar one caused by the same upstream GTK+/win32 bug). This is a regression only happening with Inkscape 0.48.2, and not with earlier versions?

Yes, this problem occurs also in version and, but only in windows. I tested both versions.

And thank you for recipe, how to detect exactljy version of installed Inkscape. A little bit complicated but works. I installed right version - with Cairo 1.8.8.

Thank you again and good night.

Ponny :oops:
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