Fractalise question

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Fractalise question

Postby fran » Thu Apr 28, 2011 7:54 am

Busy with the tree drawing tutorial but I cant seem to get my fractalise right (to look like the picture in the tutorial) ... &tb=1&pb=1

The tutorial dont give fractal settings so I tried a few but none of them work out right.
Some advice for me?

In Inkscape .48 does not list Fractal (koch) but only "Fractalise" (under modify path)
Is this the same?

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Re: Fractalise question

Postby brynn » Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:33 pm

Hi fran,
No, they're not the same. What used to be the Fractal/VonKoch extension (not sure what it was called in 0.47) is now found under Live Path Effects Editor (in 0.48). So it now has more options and flexibility!

Yeah, that's a cool effect in that tut! You might try some of the Inkscape filters, rather than GIMP as in the tutorial. A lot more filters were added too, in 0.48.

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Re: Fractalise question

Postby ~suv » Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:00 pm

fran wrote:In Inkscape .48 does not list Fractal (koch) but only "Fractalise" (under modify path)
Is this the same?
Fractal (Koch) was removed in Inkscape 0.45 (keep in mind that the tutorial was written for Inkscape 0.44, as noted in the introduction). While the manual for 0.45 recommends the 'L-System' and 'Pattern along Path' extensions as replacement, the 'VonKoch' live-path-effect (added in Inkscape 0.47) allows to interactively edit the fractal (unlike the L-System).

And - there's a recent note at the top of the tutorial:
NOTE As of 2011, this tutorial is outdated. See my updated tutorial on using Inkscape's L-System dialog for an alternative method of generating tree structures.

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Re: Fractalise question

Postby fran » Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:06 am

Suv and Brynn thanks for the advice

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