Tuitorial for creating a logo for an IT Consultancy Company

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Tuitorial for creating a logo for an IT Consultancy Company

Postby changara » Wed Aug 05, 2009 7:44 pm

Could someone help please. I found this site when looking for a place I could get help in creating a great company logo for an IT company, check the details on . Is there a tuitorial on this site that can guide me to create one using Inkscape? What do you guys suggest?


Re: Tuitorial for creating a logo for an IT Consultancy Company

Postby Guest » Thu Aug 06, 2009 8:42 am

Suggestion: make a logo using their name or better yet their initials if they are known. But don't use just their name or initials, make a little graphic clipart - something that can be associated with them. and have their name under it or such type of thing. good luck. Use inkscape to do all the graphics and lettering (or xara xtreme if you want it to be animated). Don't forget to use their company colors with the logo and lettering.

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