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Postby kalle » Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:59 pm


my first inkscape picture:

SVG Image

In kids' books things like these look better, so I try to find a way to improve it. My feeling is that it is mainly the colouring, but not sure. Any tips?


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Re: Turtel

Postby jude » Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:29 pm

I think adding some texture to the turtle's skin could really add to it. Something like a bitmap or even a pattern fill? You could try applying it over the top of the existing skin colour at about 30% for a more subtle effect.

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Re: Turtel

Postby kalle » Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:24 pm

okay I've tried that... and failed.

I have basically two problems:

1. when applying a pattern the gradient is gone...
2. I've applied the pattern to one of the brown patches, but the pattern was not inside this area but a complete rectangle

What do I have to do?


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Re: Turtel

Postby jude » Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:30 pm

Hi Kalle,
I've done a short write up about applying patterned fills. You can view it here.

For applying a transparent pattern over the top I would copy that element and paste it on top and then apply the patterned fill. That way you'll have your original gradient and you can apply a transparent pattern over the top. There might be a nicer way to do that but that's how I do it.

For part 2 of your question it sounds like you're not filling the object with the pattern correctly. Select one of your brown patches and then choose the "pattern fill" option for the fill. It should only fill the area you've selected. If that doesn't work could you post an example of what you mean?

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Re: Turtel

Postby kalle » Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:03 am

okay that works, thanks!

any proposal for a pattern? I've tried polygones, spirals, randomly assembled little lines, etc. It all looks stupid.


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Re: Turtel

Postby jude » Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:42 am

The preset pattern fills like polka dots, sand, cloth are nice but not all that versatile so I'd suggest having a look for some royalty free textures that you could apply.
Then just go to File>Import to add your new bitmap texture to the canvas, click on it and go to Object>Pattern>Object to Pattern to make it into a pattern. It will then be available in the pattern fill pull-down menu and you can apply it to the turtle like any other fill.

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Re: Turtel

Postby microUgly » Fri Jun 06, 2008 10:15 am

My recommendation would be to thicken the lines. I think nice thick lines will make a dramatic difference with little effort.

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