10win - pySerial is not installed

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10win - pySerial is not installed

Postby Reyoier » Wed Jun 29, 2016 1:19 am


I was few years working on windows 8 in Inkscape - using it for plotter. I remember I had same issue first time, but I don't remember how I managed it. Or maybe it's just windows 10 now. Short story long - error looks like this:

pySerial is not installed.

1. Download pySerial here (not the ".exe"!): http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyserial
2. Extract the "serial" subfolder from the zip to the following folder: C:\[Program files]\inkscape\python\Lib\
3. Restart Inkscape.

It happens every time I try to apply export to the plot extension any kind of file. I have Windows 10 Pro / 64bit. I tried already:
1) copy "serial" subfolder from pyserial-3.1.1.tar.gz (md5);
2) copy "serial" subfolder from pyserial-2.7.tar.gz, what was discusset here: https://www.timewasters-place.com/inksc ... s-the-2nd/
nothing works for me...

Please give me some helping hand.
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Re: 10win - pySerial is not installed

Postby Moini » Wed Jun 29, 2016 3:01 am

If you don't get an answer here (it may be a bug in pyserial, as far as I understand), please ask the question at timewaster's place in a comment.
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Re: 10win - pySerial is not installed

Postby brdparker » Wed Oct 19, 2016 2:01 am

I'm gonna have to bump this, and post on the timewaster's thread as well. I'm having the same issue with two different Window 7, 64-bit computers, Inkscape 9.1 in both cases. I've DL-ed both the 2.7 and 3.2.1. versions and am getting the same issue. I'm finding no information at all other than this thread and TW's thread. Any thoughts? I'd appreciate any help you can give me and Reyoir!

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