brynn wrote:It happens with cusp nodes as well as smooth.
If it does then Inkscape must have a bug where it's giving the node the wrong shaped node icon. I can't think of a situation where the angle of a one-handled cusp node can be restricted by it's adjacent nodes.
How did you make your example where the one-handled smooth node won't rotate?
Select a segment (i.e. two adjacent nodes) and click the "Make selected segments lines" button (the one that has a straight line between two nodes) or press
ShiftLIt does raise another question, though. What is the difference between a one-handled smooth node and a one-handled cusp node? Don't they behave exactly alike?
No. I just illustrated that in my previous post
Node 1 is a one-handled smooth node and
node 2 is a one-handled cusp node. Notice how the handle on
node 1 is at the exact same angle as the path between
node 1 and
2? It can't possibly be at any other angle if it is to maintain a straight line between those nodes. If you move either
node 1 or
node 2 the handle will move to ensure the segment remains straight.
But you'll notice that the handle on Node 2 is at a very different angle to that segment and that's because it's a "Cusp" node. You can move it's handle at any angle to create a cusp in the path whilst still allow the segment to be straight.
Note that a one-handled smooth node can be rotated with the adjacent node has two handles. When the other node has two handles the segment is no longer a straight line and it can actually create a cusp despite being smooth--this is also correct behaviour.
If something needs changing, it should be the trace function to stop producing one-handled nodes--when it comes to editing automatically generated path it can be frustrating work with such nodes and the same shape can be produced without using them.